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My phone vibrated in my back pocket and I pulled it out, checking my messages.

Josh: I see you, Carter

Josh: Good to see that you and Cash have been getting along so nicely

I left Josh on read, telling Cash I had to pee and rushed to the bathroom. After splashing my face with cold water and fixing my hair, I was met with Cash back at the table, holding my phone in his hands. It wasn't unlocked, but the lock screen showed a new message from Josh.

Josh: Just make sure Cash doesn't find out until New Years

"Make sure I don't find out what?" Cash asked, my phone gripped right in his hand.

"That's not what you think it is," I blurted, reaching for my phone but Cash just pulled it further away from me.

"Make sure I don't find out what, Carter?" Cash asked and I knew it was time to tell him. "Forget it," Cash shoved my phone into my hands and left a few dollar bills on the table.

"Hope Josh and you have fun together," Cash's words had me staring at the floor. I listened for the bell to ring, signaling that he had left and when I looked back up, he was gone. Sighing, I threw my trash away and left. I watched Cash through the window of the cafe and knew what I had to do.

"No," I spoke, running outside and stepping in front of him.

"No?" Cash scoffed and crossed his arms. I looked up at him, cracking my fingers out of nervous habit and sighed deeply.

"You can't just walk away. That's not how this is going to work, okay? Instead of jumping to conclusions and walking away from each other, we're going to talk about this, got it?" When Cash didn't answer, I continued. "Things with us didn't work the first time because we didn't communicate and are you really going to let our relationship go down the drain again?" When I was done talking, Cash sat down on the curb, legs outstretched.

"Sorry for jumping to conclusions," Cahs muttered and I sat next to him, knees to my chest.

"It's okay," I slightly nudged him with my elbow. Here it is, Carter, you can tell him. Be a big girl. "Josh was- was talking about how we're having a New Years party at your house. It was supposed to be a suprise but, now you know," I explained in the most convincing tone.

I lied. Why did I do that? Lizzzo would be so disappointed in me.

"Oh," Cash laughed, running a hand through his hair. "That's it?" He asked.

"That's it," I confirmed. Cash tackled me in a hug right on the sidewalk and I giggled, letting him pepper my face with soft kisses.

"Wow, Carter I'm such an idiot for assuming," Cash help me stand up and we continued to walk further down town. He swung our hands back and forth and I watched as he tried not to step on the cracks in the sidewalk.

I'm dating a five year old.

"Carter, I have to pee," Cash told me as if it was a secret. "Stay here, I'm going to go into that diner and pee. Don't move," Cash kissed my lips before walking inside the diner. I stood with my hands in my pockets, rocking on my heels.

"What's someone as pretty as you doing alone downtown?" Someone asked. I looked to see a boy, porbsbly eighteen, definitely not much older than Cash and I. A cigarette dangling from his lips as I backed away.

"I- I'm with my boyfriend," I couldn't look him in the eyes he reached out to stroke my hair but my reflexes were quicker. I jabbed the boy in the balls with my knee and made a run for it across the street.

"Carter!" Cash ran after me across the street. He placed his hands on his knees, catching his breath. "T- that was so badass," he laughed and I smiled wide, feeling proud of myself.

"Did he hurt you?" Cash asked, placing his hands on my cheeks but I just shook my head, a dumb smile still playing on my lips.

Lizzzo would be proud.

"I think it's time we head home," Cash suggested and I nodded, following Cash as he led the way back to his house.


i'm in my chemistry zoom class and i don't understand any of it lol send help

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