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The night where juniors and seniors got to dress up for a night at the country club while bad music played. Girls spent an exuberant amount of money on a dress, guys got to pay for an expensive dinner but it was a night that we only got to experience so many times.

Plus it was fun to dress up and pamper yourself.

"What color should I get my nails?" I asked my Mom as we stood in the nail salon

"Nude since your dress is yellow. Plus nude is always safe." she suggested

I nodded, "Good choice."

It was nice to sit back and talk about my plans for tomorrow with my Mom. She always knew what to do about my hair, makeup, accessories, and nails.

"So are you and Parker up to anything tomorrow night?"she asked me as she looked down at her magazine

God, I knew what she was trying to get at.

"We're just going to the afterparty at our house tomorrow." I said to her for the third time today, "Not your stereotypical prom night, Mom."

She looked up, "Well I mean after a few weeks ago."

"Oh my god." I mumbled to myself, "Can we not do this right now?"

"I've been avoiding this conversation for too long, Elizabeth and I want you to be protected." my Mom put down the magazine

I shrugged, "What does it matter? He's about to move anyway."

"One time is all it takes Elizabeth." my Mom spoke as if it were recorded breaking news

"I know, I've seen 'Teen Mom' before." I recalled, "We're safe and as you could probably assume this isn't Parker's first rodeo."

My Mom took a deep breath, "I think we should go see the gyno, well you. I want grandchildren but not yet."

"At least you'll be a young and fun grammy. You would be." I corrected myself, "Trust me I don't want to be a mom at seventeen."

As my Mom and I were checking out, a group of women full of botox came up to us carrying their designer handbags.

"Oh my gosh, Julie is that you?" one of them asked my Mom because she just dyed her hair blonde (her mid-life crisis)

My Mom turned around, "Oh hi there Laura."

God, my Mom and I both hated Laura. She thought just because her husband owned all of the McDonald's in California that she was the shit. She was always in everyone's business and always reached where she had no business. Not to mention she was also Lexie Herndon's Mom - the girl who Parker used to have a thing with.

Laura looked me up and down, "Peyton, you're growing so quickly. What are you two doing here?"

Bitch what are you doing here? Getting your nails done like us.

"Prom is tomorrow," I said with a smile, trying to be nice. She clearly knew that considering her daughter was a senior.

"How fun! Who are you taking?" Laura questioned me

My boyfriend.

Was this bitch born yesterday?

"Parker Fitzgerald," I answered

Her face perked up, "Oh, wow. I'm surprised he is still around, considering everything. Poor thing has had it so rough. A cheating Dad, taking over a company, and he bounces around from girl to girl too."

I glanced over at my Mom.

"Well, we've been dating for six months, so I'd say he's pretty stable in what he wants." I shot back

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