The End of the Beginning

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There was something about watching your boyfriend and brother walk across the stage to get their diploma. v

For Parker, it was a big deal to not only get his diploma but it was the first time he was formally called 'Parker Reid Fitzgerald'.

"You did it, baby!" I said as I found him after the ceremony

He nodded his head with a big smile on his face, "My first and last diploma!"

I put my hand over my mouth, "Oh my God Parker, you are ridiculous."

"Truth hurts." Parker spoke

My arms were around his neck, "I'm proud of you."

"Couldn't have done it without you." Parker beamed, "You really got me through this year."

But I wanted to keep getting him through every year until he died. I didn't want our story to be over yet.

It wasn't over quite yet.

Parker gave me the summer of a lifetime.

We never went more than two days without seeing each other (minus the week I went on my annual family vacation), we FaceTimed every night, and went to so many cool places together. We went to Catalina, out on the lake, Lake Tahoe, some parties, and even had some quiet movie night ins.

He planned so many cute little date nights and there was never one night that I had to go to sleep questioning my worth or if I was loved.

And then the morning of August first came along.

I was up bright and early to take Parker to the airport with Asher. He slept over the night before and it was nice to go to sleep in his arms one last time.

Parker walked into my bathroom as I brushed my hair.

"Morning." he spoke in a light happy tone, "I'm gonna miss you."

I could fill the tears in my eyes begin to swell up.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Parker said as he put his hands on my shoulder. "It's okay, Ellie. At least you're not sending me off to war."

"Some could argue that business is like war." I tried to lighten the tone, "I'm gonna miss you so much."

He brushed my hair behind my ear, "I love you, Elizabeth Peyton Keller."

I nodded my head and fell into his shoulder. Everything I'd been holding in for the past eight weeks came out.  I just cried into Parker like he was dying.

He wasn't but our relationship was at least it was romantically.

We knew that today was the end of it all even if we never said it out loud.

"Just remember that I'll always have a bad stick and poke of 'epk' on my ankle forever." Parker caused me to smile

Fourth of July weekend, Parker got so drunk with our friends and they gave themselves stick and pokes. He didn't do a smiley face or lightning bolt like everyone else, he did my initials.

"I can't believe it never got infected." I thought back on, "Or that you did that."

Asher walked into my bathroom, "Are you guys ready? Don't wanna miss your first class flight."

"Sure as hell don't otherwise my dear ole Dad will roll in the grave." Parker moved his hands away from me

I took a deep breath as we got into Asher's car.

Everything will be ok.

Que sera sera.

During the car ride, we reminisced on summer, junior high, our hidden relationship, and just life. It was a nice thirty-minute talk while the sun rose.

We walked him as far as we could before we would have to go through security.

I stood back while he said goodbye to Asher. At least Nashville and New York were only thirteen hours apart. But Asher and Parker went through a lot together. We'd all known each other for the same amount of time and been through the highs and lows of life together.

As I said, I hated goodbyes.

And then Asher moved from Parker.

Parker opened up his arms and I wrapped his arms around me.

"Thank you so much for everything, Ellie." he whispered into my ear as he rubbed my back, "I wouldn't trade our story for anything."

"I love you, Parker. Don't forget about me up there." I said to him

Parker lightly kissed my cheek, "The 'epk' on my ankle isn't going anywhere."

We pulled away from each other and Parker looked me in the eyes.

He wiped away my tears with his thumb and then pulled out an envelope.

"I want you to have this and then there is a surprise waiting for you under your bed." he handed me the envelope and I took it

"This is not the end." he expressed, "I love you so so so much that I'm doing this for our future."

I nodded my head, "I know and I want you to be so happy and so successful."

Parker bent down to give me one last kiss.

And it was the best kiss.

We took one last look at each other before we knew it was time for him to go.

"Goodbye, Parker." I gave his hand one last squeeze

And well then Asher, Parker, and I had a group hug.

Then we said one last goodbye before we watched him walk through security.

"Alright, 'Lizabeth, let's go home." Asher breathed

It wasn't until I got home and I was in my room that I opened the letter.

Dear Ellie,
Let me start by saying I love you. I will always love you. But you know that. Even though our story of getting together is not the most traditional one it is my favorite. I hope you know when I tell you that I love you or that you've changed my life that I'm not joking. You make the so insanely happy. I know that we're on 'pause' right now or whatever but I don't want us to stop being friends or be awkward around each other. These next few years will be tough but I want you to be so fuckin' happy. Throw those amazing parties, enjoy being an only child, have a great senior year and maybe I'll see your ass at Columbia a year from now. I hope you enjoy the presents. Don't turn into a stranger, I'm always here.
I love you.
Always your's,
Parker Fitz

I looked under my bed to pull out a big pink bag. The first thing I grabbed was a Build-A-Bear that had on an 'I love New York' t-shirt and when you pressed it you heard Parker's voice saying 'I love you'. There were some framed pictures of us from over the summer and then a heart locket with a picture of us from prom in it.

He was always such a sweetheart.

And I hope he knew he would always have me until every last star in the galaxy died.


The sequel is out now! It's called All in for Fitz!!! Enjoy and thanks for reading!

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