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Hi i'm winter snow, yea i know thats a weird name.i live in Chicago with my mom we have a good relationship and every one thinks i look just like her. i am light skinned with long brown hair , grey eyes and a nice body i think . the only difference between me and my mom is that her eyes are green people says she looks like my older sister. so today is when all the trouble begins.

i'm walking down stairs to go eat breakfast and i know something is not right, because i smell my favorite breakfast which is french toast,eggs,and ham. my mom only cooks when something bad happens or she has something to tell that is not so good, any other time we eat take out. as i head in to the kitchen i hear the ham sizzling, my mothers back is to me when i call her she is tense.

"mom" i said "what is wrong?" 

"why does something have to be wrong snow?" my mom asked 

"because you are cooking my favorite breakfast and you never cook unless something is wrong', " so give it to me straight" 

"well " my mom said and then she paused. okay well we are moving" 

she cringed after waiting on my reaction.

" MOVING?" i yelled

" yes we are moving, and don't use that tone of voice with me, i did not raise you to talk to me that way." my mother scolded

" sorry mom, but its just so sudden" i sighed

tears came to my eyes i loved it here in chicago this is all i know and all my friends are here this is my life i never thought i would have to leave.

" so when do we leave?" i asked

" today after you get out of school." she said

" where too"

" a small town called milestone" she said

" alright see you after school, oh and who's  going to pack?" 

" the movers, don't worry everything will be settled when you get home."

" see ya later mom, i love you." i said

"are going to eat your breakfast, it is your favorite" she asked

" nah, i 'm not hungry anymore." i sighed

" fine i'll see you later, love you" she while kissing my cheek.

AT SCHOOL.............................................

HEY GIRL!! that's my bff drea her real name is adrianna. we have been best friends since 3rd grade. she is beautiful she has light skin curly black hair and beautiful big light brown eyes and very tall. drea is one of the funniest people i know. she is going to flip when i tell her im leaving today. we just started our senior year a week ago , this was our year, then here comes mom talking about some place called milestone. what the hell is milestone? i have never heard of it. but any way drea is going to flip a lid......


snow: dang dre do you have to be so loud?

drea: girl you know me!!

then her face dropped

drea: snow what is wrong?

snow: dre i have to move today after school.

drea: WHAT!! how come this the first time i am hearing about this snow?

snow: hell i just found out my damn self. my mom told me today.

drea where are you moving?

something inside me had a feeling not to tell her the name of the place i was going, i had never heard of it and when i googled it, it didn't come up. something was weird but i could bring myself to say where.

snow: some small town, i don't know. i don't want to talk about it

drea: i don't want you to gooo

drea whined and i saw tears in her eyes i loved her like a sister but i had a weird feeling after today i would never see her again. i don't know why but i just did.

AT HOME.....................................

i walked through the door, and as expected my mom had the house cleaned out. it was bare, it looked as if no one had ever lived here. i wanted to cry, but for what i was moving and there was nothing i could do about it.

my mom and i walked to the car in silence. she was acting strange, looking around and she looked kinda scared. something was going on that she wasn't telling me. then i saw a man looking at us, he was tall he looked to be about my mom's age but i couldn't see clearly. then something strange happened. my mom caught sight of him and she started to panic her green eyes started to glow very bright and she called me to her


snow: mom what wrong? your eyes!

mom: i know and i will explain later

the man started coming our way, and his blue eyes turned black my mother grabbed me and held me tight she waved her hand around us and we disappeared

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