3 - Christi

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"Christi? I can't believe you did such a thing! Faking that your head hurt... and right in front of Mr. Gordon! You know, he's the most strict teacher in the whole grade, he won't be very happy with you..." I grind my teeth slightly, eyeing Katy.

"Just for your information, I wasn't faking! It really did hurt. If you don't believe me, then I don't care! I know the truth!" I angrily stomp back to my bedroom and flip to a page in my journal. Might as well write something down about my day. Maybe something about finding Sabrina, and that guy, Kase. I don't know who in the world he is, but Sabrina seems to know. I spot my laptop, the purple cover and teal keys. I log on, to see if Skype will work instead of using my phone.

Pressing down on the keypad, I sit back in my squishy swivel chair. Then it dawns on me: Sabrina's captors—if she has some—will probably answer. I furiously click with my mouse to end the call, but nothing works. Then a pull at my mind comes again, then the same whisper I heard before.

There is no use in trying... she is dead. Your friend is gone dear Christi.

"Ugh! Don't call me "dear," you reckless, savage and murderous creature!" I yell, and Katy peeks her head into the room suddenly raises an eyebrow. I shoo her out of the room and shut the door in a loud bang! Nearly ready to shrink down in despair, I pace the room, feet shuffling upon the rugged floor. Suddenly, an idea strikes me.

"Lightbulb!" I exclaim hoping my plan will work. Breathing in deeply, I head to my desk for brainstorming.

I stroke with my pencil, ideas flying onto the page. Finally, satisfied with my messy penmanship and brilliant thoughts, I hold up my paper with pride. By the look of my thoughts, it seems that every plan on here could be successful! I touch the pencil marks, admiring my work:

So far, I know that Sabrina is missing, and with this guy named Kase. She obviously likes him, so that's funny. Hmm, what if it's a relationship? NAH, Sabrina's not like that. Anyhoo, Sabrina has been captured, Kase is a random guy, and I have brilliant plans. Not only to save Sabrina but possibly Kase too.

From my vision, Kase was injured, and I might feel pain like that in the future, or will I... I really do not know. Of course, it could be just that someone's controlling my mind, but that's not possible, is it? If so, who?

So, I keep getting off track! Okay, Christi, focus on Sabrina! I could plunge into the ocean depths and swim to Sabrina! (Okay, that one's a little bit off) I could also rescue her by sucking up the ocean and squirting it at her and thine enemies! BRILLIANT! I am so smart, or am I...? CHRISTI! Stop asking yourself questions and focus, FOCUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know it's hard, but Sabrina is probably dying now! You need to... do something? Who writes down their thoughts anyway? STOP IT WITH THE QUESTIONS CHRISTI!

Oh, swell. I guess I didn't really write any plans down but the darn ones. The ones I didn't even use my head for. Silly me! No, not silly me, I'm a half-witted mindless breathing lump. I am so ashamed of myself. Not only ashamed, but bemused, solitary, and doleful. A doleful little self of thine. Whence we came, galloping into the night yearning for traces of glory. Yet nothing of the sort. Tis true, tis very very true... wait a minute, why am I thinking like Shakespeare Jr? WHAT?
Sighing, I flop onto my bed, look at the ceiling and pout while my face turns sour. I'm out of luck, I'm so despondent. I'll never make it to Sabrina. How will I ever begin to make things right? Is there something wrong I'm doing? So many questions, so little answers.

I sit up slowly, feeling that finally, it's time to give up. I'm stuck. Tears slide down my cheeks as I settle my head against my hands, huddled in a ball of defeat. But when I look up again, I am no longer in my bedroom. It's another vision.

I seem to be in faded form, because at first, Sabrina doesn't see me until, "Christi! I'm okay! Are you?" Sabrina's voice echoes in my head. I moan, sitting up to see a guy next to Sabrina. I am shocked.

"AH! Who are you?" I shriek. Sabrina puts a finger to her lips and smiles.

"That's Kase!" she puts in, and Kase waves awkwardly. Oh, right! It's Kase!

"Kase, my boy! How's life?" I say casually and Kase shares a look with Sabrina.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" I inquire, while Sabrina shakes her head. I shrug it off, then ask,

"Where are we, and how did I get here?" Sabrina rolls her eyes playfully.

"You came through the portal of course!" Sabrina laughs. I raise an eyebrow and Kase shrugs. I reach over to touch Sabrina's shoulder, but my hand slips through. I'm definitely in a faded form. How though? Is it possible I'm no longer living? Nah, can't be that!

"What portal?" I question, quite confused.

"Ha! The one over there!" She answers, pointing to a wall behind the cot. "It comes from your bedroom!"

"Really, where in my bedroom? My bed, my desk? Kase, do you know?" My eyes shine as I urge the question eagerly.

"Oh, Christi! I have no idea how you don't remember!"

I'm pretty sure they're joking around because there's no such thing as a portal! As if!

"Don't tell me! It's beneath my bed!" I laugh, falling over sideways. Sabrina does the same, while Kase just looks at us like we're doofuses, (which we are). I mean, how many times do you and your best friend fall over laughing in front of a 15-year-old boy? Not likely, right?

"I still don't understand why you don't know!" Sabrina exclaims, then stops as we hear the iron-barred door creak.

"Hide!" Sabrina forcefully whispers while she spots Kase lurking innocently back into the shadows. I dive for cover, even though it's kind of hard to dive for cover when you're in a ghostly form. I mean, really? Suddenly, my head is filled with the same throbbing searing pain as before, when I was at school. It hurts, horribly too. I grab my head, just as a guard peeks in. He's burly and grotesque, probably vile like the rest of Sabrina's captors. Rather not my taste. I blink quickly, tears of pain and distress forming quicker than lighting. I need to know where Sabrina is, I need to get out of this silly faded form and actually be able to see, hear, smell and touch Sabrina. Okay, so the smelling Sabrina is kind of weird.

"Sabrina? Where's the portal?" I croak in fear. She calls, almost melancholic,

"Ma-th... portal..." I squint at her blue eyes. She seems to have the same pain as I do. Scared and lifelessly ill.

"Sabrina? Get up! Sabrina! Don't die!" I scream, tears dropping rapidly. I don't want to lose my best friend, not now!!!!!!!!!

"Sabrina!!!!" I cry out, looking around the room as I wake up wondering... what does she mean? Is there something I don't know about? A portal in the math classroom? Mr. Gordon's room? How is that possible? Is it possible? I mean, I would've known if Sabrina is my best friend, and she is, right? What does she mean then?

Math, math... I have no clue! Why does she have to make life even harder than it already is? Well, she's Sabrina, she does that kind of thing. I look around my room, hoping to spot a little something to do with the "black and white" subject. Sighing, I ponder the possibilities of where the portal is. Sabrina said something about my bedroom. Is it really in my bedroom? How does she know that anyway? Who told her such a thing was possible? Has she been here, and what in my bedroom has to do with math? Nothing in my bedroom screams 'math' except—I know where the portal is.

The equation.

Illusion: Destiny Awaits (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now