7 - Christi

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I feel horrible. My best friend basically just cried her eyes out. Her very large eyes, I might add! Her eyes are very pretty though. Unlike mine. Well, I suppose that every intricate detail on one single person's face is how it was supposed to be. I can't really stand seeing her so sad. So melancholic... dreary eyes and wishing for a little sliver of hope. One thing. I want to get out. We want to get out! We want out of this bubble, out of this place, out of anything evil. Will Igbo help us? Will he? Or is he just a vile imposter like Kase?

I sit silently, clutching my stomach. It feels like I haven't eaten for decades! My insides are all jumbly and tossed around like a squishy ball in a drying machine. Funny simile, am I right? Who uses that anyway? Well, besides moi! I stare around me, then finally to Sabrina. She's still asleep, but I can tell her mind is awake and alert. She stirs, so I turn away. Being here is like being in a cross between a garbage dump and a maze. No way out. Every turn is a dead end. One filled with, stinky stuff. Trash.

"Christi." Skifter swoops around the bubble. I'm surprised. This bubble is quite tiny. Small, equivalent to the size of a bathroom. How is a hawk supposed to fly around here? Then, it strikes me. He's a Soul Animal. Plus, he's a black kite, and black kites are well, sneaky. Of course! No wonder! Then why can't he get us out of here? Holding my breath, I step towards Igbo.

"Christi. Don't you even think about it." Skifter swings his head back and forth as if to say 'nope'. What can the harm be in confronting Igbo? He's just a Soul Animal! I just need to ask him one little question!

"Skifter, it's fine! It's only a question!" I exclaim. Geez! Didn't know Soul Animals can be so aggravating. I don't know how in the world Sabrina and Lupo just hit it off like that! Skifter shouts, waking Sabrina and Lupo. I push him back, and he fades away.

"Igbo. If you're so great, why don't you get us out of here?" After I say it, I know immediately. I made a huge mistake. Igbo swirls around, claws squeaking against the bubble floor. He growls, baring pearly white teeth and bright pink gums.

"Well, Igbo!" I exclaim, hoping to distract him. "I didn't know you had such good hygiene!" I shrink away, glancing at Sabrina.

"Help me!" I whisper briskly. She looks a bit reluctant and hesitant to do so. I roll my eyes, landing them on Igbo. Gulp!

He leaps at me, but Lupo holds him back. While Lupo calms Igbo, Skifter herds me to the other side of the bubble.

"Master Christi, you never ever tell a Soul Animal to do something that he or she cannot. That is a big mistake you made there. You are still young and ignorant."

"But Skifter, how come Lupo and Sabrina are the best of friends? How come we can't do it like that?"

"Christi, the bonds between a Soul Animal and his master vary from person to person, animal to animal." I sigh.

"Why can't everything be the same as my best friend?" Skifter sweeps his head side to side, as if I don't understand. I do, don't I?

"Christi!" Sabrina calls and I turn around to look at her. "Why did you lash out on Igbo like that?"

"Why are you on his side?" I ask, anger rising.

"Well, Igbo is innocent!" she insists.

"Didn't you see him growl at me!? He's vicious!" Sabrina glares at me.

"He is not! It's your fault in the first place! You shouldn't have done that!"

"How was I supposed to know? What would you have done, huh?" I turn away. This doesn't feel right, arguing with my best friend that is. She's always the one who has agreed with me, my bestest of besties.

Illusion: Destiny Awaits (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now