6 - Christi

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"Christi." A whisper comes from the dark.

"Hello?" I answer nervously. I'm now fully in consternation. What is going on? I don't understand it. Nothing seems to be going all right. Not today, that is. Even if, is this a dream?

"Christi," the voice says again. Harsher, briskly. I shudder in fear. I tell myself inside: I will not be afraid, I will not be afraid. There will be no harm to me, not when I'm with Sabrina. Wait, is Sabrina even here? I bite my lip, a bit too hard, tasting a droplet of blood on my tongue.

"Christi, I am here." I want to run and hide, but the voice draws me near.

"Who are you? Where did you come from?" I inquire cautiously. I don't know who is speaking to me, and I feel like I don't want to know.

"I am Skifter." I feel a rush of air, and look above me. A majestic hawk appears, swimming across the sky. His stature classifies him as a black kite, though I've never seen one in my life.

"Where do you come from?" I'm already in awe, but I'd love to learn more.

"That is for me to know, and you to find out..." Skifter trails off.

"Why have you come?" I can't stop asking questions and I need to learn more about this animal. The bird screeches out before perching on a branch that seems to have shot out from the wall.

"Really? My ears, Skifter! Stupid bird" I yell.

Skifter narrows his eyes and screeches again.

"Christi, so ignorant. You must know that I have come to help you. You do not have the right to call me stupid. If stupid at all, it's you who is. Listen carefully, young girl. I am your guardian, if you ever think to the darkness of evil again, betraying your only guardian, you will be filled with consequences even I can't endure." I shiver as he takes off, the cold whoosh rushing at my face.

"Skifter! Wait, I didn't mean to—"

I blink open my eyes. Was that all a dream? Was it real? Was it—Lupo... Skifter is Lupo's friend.

"Sabrina! I—" I stop, noticing I'm barefoot, standing in what seems to be a bubble.

"Yeah," she answers wearily. She also looks down and screams. I mean, that's Sabrina for you!

"What. Is. THIS?" I don't know what the bubbly thing is, and I don't know what to do with it either. It's translucent and has colors—blue, green and pinkish purple—swirling around it. Like an actual bubble.

"You know, Sabrina, I'm not sure." She rolls her eyes and I tell her about Skifter.

"He appeared in my dream, just as Lupo did for you. Do you think it's something important?" Sabrina's eyes brighten, then she shakes me by the shoulders.

"Sweet goodies! That's amazing! Amazeballs!" Literally, who says amazeballs? And sweet goodies?

"Amazeballs?" I snicker.

"You know what I mean!" she exclaims, waving her hand. "So, about Skifter? What did you ask her?"

"Skifter is a he, Sabrina! I already told you that!" I roll my eyes, while Sabrina laughs.

"Just tell me what you asked him." She emphasizes him, to make her point.

"I asked him where he came from, and who he was."

"That's ALL!? You have got to be kidding me!"

"Sabrina! What did you ask Lupo?"

"Forget that, let's just talk about something worthwhile," she answers. I think talking about animals is worthwhile, but apparently not to Sabrina.

Illusion: Destiny Awaits (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now