19 - Christi

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I walk warily after Skifter around the gem holding pedestal. Too many questions fill my head.

Klenouzlo? Home for the Soul Animals?

I shake my head, trying to think it all through. Too much information to process. It seems only days ago that I found Sabrina in that ocean cell. Only days ago. Days. But it's not. It's been what? Weeks? Months? Definitely not years. But everything has gone by so fast.

"Christi, behold. The Circle of Friedania." Skifter's voice booms across the full, but at the same time empty, land we stand in.

I notice that the once standing alone pedestal is now surrounded by nine gems. Each a different color, vibrant, stunning. There are tints of blue, orange, red and green. And each gem reflects light from its surface to the middle gem. I stare at it for a long time.

Skifter sees me staring. "Sateen Klenot," he says, nodding.

"What?" I answer.

"Sateen Klenot," he repeats. "The middle jewel. What protects us all. It brings the source of life to Klenouzlo." I nod. Just nod.

And I'm silent.

"Each gem is special. Each represents a clan of Klenouzlo."

I find the courage to speak. "Clan... as in... multiple groups of the same animal dwelling in Klenouzlo?"

"Yes," Skifter confirms. "Each gem, like, see? The yellow one? That is my clan's. The clan of Friskianus. The clan of Hawks. You just follow the light to the door, where we dwell. I would show you more, but we must be off to your room."


I look around Klenouzlo, finally spotting Sabrina and Lupo. Lupo must've given Sabrina her own little tour.

Skifter takes off, and I follow him. We meander down a long, wide hallway. I'm about to question the large extending width of the hall, but Skifter interrupts.

"In case of an emergency. It is big enough to fit multiple Animals and people."

"Oh," I say.

We continue down the hall. I'm in awe. There are torches lining the walls in beautiful colors; they are abnormal colors. Not like fire; they are purple, pink, green, and maroon. Huge stone arches expand across the ceiling. I walk, my feet in sync with the flickers of the torches above me.

Finally, taking one last turn, we stop among a dead end. A wall is blocking our path.

"Well, there's nowhere to go I guess," I say. "Is there?"

"Yes, there is. Stay still."

I do as I'm told. Less than a minute later, I hear the crackle and pop of bricks breaking.

"Uh... Skifter?" I wonder. "Is this supposed to be happening?!?!?!"

"Yes," he answers calmly.

The ground shakes beneath me, and I fall to the ground.


There is no more ground.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream. I flail in the air around me.


"Stop moving Christi!" Skifter scolds.

I stop abruptly.

All around me, is a purple, blue and black swirling substance. It's like a galaxy, I think to myself.

"Where to?" A mysterious voice says in a whisper.

Illusion: Destiny Awaits (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now