Chapter 19 - Fork In the Road

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Dreamless sleep was not easy to stumble along.

I dreamt that I was standing on a road, with several paths leading off to other unknown places.

Where am I? I wondered.

"Libra. The seventh Zodiac. The Golden Scales." A voice called.

"Who's calling me?" I asked.

"We are." All of a sudden, three hooded figures appeared. They were three old ladies. One held a ball of golden string, one held a strand of the string, and one held a large pair of golden scissors.

I started walking backwards slowly. "Who are you?"

"Choose, Libra." The lady holding the string said.

I looked around at the roads around me. There were around twelve different paths, but different ones kept popping up every second.

Unsure of what to do, I took a step on one of the paths. A vision appeared, showing a girl that looked like me- But that couldn't be me! This girl had hip-length blonde hair and sparkling fuchsia eyes. She also had golden freckles that looked like stars across her face. A pair of golden scales were levitating in her hand.

The old lady with the ball of golden string seemed interested that vision. "That was you. What should have been you."

I stepped away from that path and approached another one. Another vision appeared. It was a series of events that happened earlier. Me on my way to high school, me having a dorm party with the other girls, me speaking to Ophiuchus, the countless supernatural events that happened... 

The old lady holding the piece of string approached me. "This is you. What you are now."

I walked towards a third path. Another vision appeared, but this vision wasn't as clear. There were blurry figures talking to each other, then there was a bright object in a tight space, followed by a puddle of what looked like blood. It seemed horrific. I gasped and I moved away from the path.

The old lady with the pair of giant scissors walked towards me slowly. "This is what will be you. What you are going to be."

"Choose, Libra." The three ladies said at the same time.

"Choose to go back to the past," said the lady with the ball of string.

"Choose to stay in the present," said the lady holding the piece of string.

"Or choose to get a glimpse of the future." said the lady with the scissors.

The decision was pressuring. Wake up, Libra! I said to myself frantically. Wake up! Wake up!


"Wake up!" Gemini said, shaking me.

I sat up and looked around the room. "Oh my gosh, it felt so real!"

"What are you talking about?" Gemini asked. "Come on, it's a Sunday! Let's go and grab some breakfast!"

I barely ate anything for breakfast. Gemini didn't seem to notice. She spent most of the time chatting with me, chatting with Aquarius, chatting with, well, pretty much everyone.

"Gemini, if you don't be quiet and let me have my peace and quiet, you're going to be the first person to go missing today." Aquarius threatened her.

"Oh please, Aqua, like that's a frightening threat." Gemini stuck her tongue out at him.

Aquarius stared at her with such intensity that if his eyes were laser beams, they would've cut the sun in half.

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