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Jin pov

A day or two after the first questioning another police officer came in to see me. He asked why we didn't come to the police when Jungkook was first kidnapped. I explained that in our hometown Taehyungs father ran everything and wouldn't have helped us due to his homophobia and hatred for Jungkook. The police officer accepted that as a correct answer and continued asking questions. Most of them were about Song and my previous interactions with him. Then he asked if he could take the clothes I was wearing to get tested for any location indicators. I said yes, handing him the bag the hospital had given me with my clothes inside.

"Thank you mister Kim."

Was the last thing he said before leaving the room. Everyone came to visit me that day, bringing cards, chocolate and flowers. I think that keeping their focus on me made it easier for them to deal with everything going on.

Two days later the police officer that came to our house asked to see me. When he came in the room he looked like he had bad news.

"we found the car Jungkook went off in..."

Hearing those words made me jump up,

"Is he okay?"

The officer couldn't make eye contact.

"we believe Mister Park Seongwa has taken him too. The car was found crashed into a tree, and the driver was rushed to the hospital. Someone claiming to be his boyfriend came looking for him. Doctors said that Jungkook seemed tense and unsure about the man. Then about an hour later when a nurse went to check on Jungkook he was gone."

I felt my heart speed up,

"We're going to find them Seokjin..."

"Did you tell the others?"

He shook his head.

"Good. They don't need more bad news. Just let me know when you've found something."

There was now a somber mood flooding into the small room. When Namjoon came by he noticed it immediately and I had to tell him. He tried to reassure me, but I could tell that in reality he was terrified for what might happen.

The next morning Namjoon woke me up in a rush.

"There were traces on your shirt that match to Jungkooks hospital room and got a location. they think they found them. I'm going to see."

I was still half asleep when I heard the statement leave his lips, but I knew what it could mean. It could mean that all of the hiding was over. We would no longer have to fear that Song was watching us.

Namjoon pov

I was surprised when the police officer called me, asking me to come and identify. They feared that Jungkook might be in a coma due to his severe injuries in the car accident.

We got to the building.

It was owned by Songs father.

I stayed in the car.

I watched the police go inside, holding guns and flashlights.

"Police! Open up!"


"Officer down!"

They still continued inside.








Then it all went silent.

First Song was brought out, bleeding from his abdomen.

Jungkook was next, he looked scared.

His scream echoed in my ears.

I got out of the car, pushing past officers.

I hugged him as he fell to his knees sobbing.

"Taehyung... no..."

Jungkook sobbed, snot dripping onto his face, his screams echoed around us.

"You killed him!"

I felt myself cry as the realization hit.

Officers carried Taehyungs lifeless body out of the cellar.

I covered Jungkooks eyes.

"He can't be gone..."

He was placed on a stretcher.

Jungkook never left the hospital. He said he would wait for Taehyung as long as it took. He got hit by a stray bullet while in the cellar and he was already low on blood, so doctors weren't surprised when he went into a coma. They were expecting him to die. Jungkook was on a first name basis with all of the nurses and doctors. We all missed Taehyung, but we knew that it wasn't likely he would wake up from the coma almost 2 years in, so when Jungkook called us in tears we expected Taehyung to be dead.

"Joon. He's waking up." 

Woop de de woop! Song is gone and the boys are safe. This is the second last chapter and I would just like to thank everyone who read and voted, this was a great experience.


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