Chapter 4: Not an Ordinary Day

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'Haruto... Haruto... HARUTO!'

*Haruto wakes up from a dream*

'Haruto wake up, you're going be late for school', mom screaming from downstairs.

Right after getting up, I fix my bed and headed downstairs to brush my teeth. My mom is cooking at the kitchen and there's also Dad reading a newspaper. I brush my teeth and fix my hair.

I get out of the bathroom and was greeted by mom, 'Good morning my dear Haruto. How was your date this last Saturday?' 'It's just fine, kind of tiring actually. But we both enjoyed it, I guess...' I replied.

Mom and dad smiled weirdly, as if I could feel a proud parent vibe from them. I said I'm just going to head upstairs and get ready. I change onto my school uniform and had breakfast with my parents.

I sat at the table with them and started. Suddenly dad asks something. 'So when do you two want to get married?' dad ask. I was surprise and nearly choke because of it.

'W-We haven't talk about it yet' I nervously answered. 'We'll you're taking it easy eh. Way to do it Haruto!' said dad.

I embarrassingly smile as they both laugh. It kind of annoys me the way they act and stuff. But I guess it's great. I don't see them like this quite often. Most of the time I just shut myself in my room with my sketch pad and draw all day. After eating, I said bye and went off for school. As I arrive there, I saw Yui standing at the entrance.

'Hey isn't that the new transfer student from overseas.'

'Yeah you're right. She looks like a celebrity.'

'Yes I know she's so pretty'

Everyone is looking at me and gossiping. I figured it would cause the same commotion at the amusement park so I tried to walk straightly and avoid her. She screamed my name but I pretend I heard nothing. Yui chase and hit me with her bag.

'Aww... That hurt', I said in pain.

'You've got some nerve to avoid me', Yui's tantrum.

'Well if you don't mind let's walk together to class', said her.

I said its fine just not hit me again. She clings at my arm and smiles like a child. The two of us walk together to our room. We enter the room and everyone stops murmuring. They look at us with surprise faces. Yui and I sat. My seatmate approaches me to ask what is going on with the two of us.

'Well it just turns out that Haruto and I are assigned together in marriage', said Yui.

Everyone in the class exclaimed, 'Ehh!!?'

Guys on our class that I didn't have any business with before started to approach me and started praising like I'm some kind of a living symbol of pride within men.

'Congrats Haruto'

'You're a very lucky guy'

'Who knew your wife will be a pretty lady sitting next to you'

I started to get shy about it. The way people give me this much of attention is not something that I'm really used to.

'I guess so...' I uncannily reply while wearing an embarrassed smile.

I look at my girl classmates. Their sullen faces are the only thing they gave back. Our teacher enters the room and made us all settle down. The teacher then congratulates me and started the class. The glares of people made me so much uncomfortable. I look at Yui and she seems to be listening at our teacher. She noticed me and smile like she always does. I didn't smile back and return listening at the class. I glance at her again and she seems pretty upset.

After sometime, our lunch has started. Yui ask me to join her at lunch. I was okay with it, but the thought of people gossiping around us is making me really embarrass. This kind of thing really isn't something I'm used to. I decline Yui's request to eat with her and ran off. I catch a breath at the boy's toilet. After that I walk around and let the time pass by.

I return at the classroom after lunch. When I entered the room, Yui looks really down. I ask her what was wrong but she's not answering. It made me worried but I didn't know what would cheer her up. The class started and I ended up doing nothing but worry. After hours of lecturing, classes are now done. I wanted to talk to her but she quickly ran off. I tried to chase after her, but she was just too fast that I lose track of her. At this point I think it was my fault that all of this had happen. I saw her car along with his butler waiting at the entrance. I approach the butler and ask where she is. The butler cut me with a question.

'Ermm... Excuse me Sir Nazuno but have you seen Miss Yui? I haven't seen her yet. Aren't you two of same classes?'

'The thing is, she ran off. After class she just ran away. I thought she was going home early. I tried chasing but she was too fast', I replied.

After realizing that Yui is missing, I ask her butler to look around places she went so often and that I will look around the neighborhood for her. I tried finding her at streets and local places. I was so eager to find her that I'm not willing to give up. I pass by a local playground and saw Yui. Just like how I return in after lunch, her face is still down. I notice that there is a takoyaki stand in front of the play ground. I bought some and walk over to Yui.

'Takoyaki?', I said as I offer the food.

'You idiot'

Yui started clenching.

I thought she was mad about me ignoring her all day. But then she started crying. It made me confuse.

'How come you ignore me all day? Am I not a good wife for you? Do you really hate me that much?'

'I don't know what to do. We were just okay yesterday but then this morning you're ignoring me', said Yui as she shed tears.

I let go of the takoyaki and hug Yui.

'I'm sorry. I didn't know this is what you feel all this time. I was just not use to of how people give me too much attention. It kind of stresses me out. But I should've thought of what you feel instead of just mine. You were trying your hardest yet I ignore you. Please forgive me'

I let go of her as she starts talking.

'No, It's okay I guess you're still not used to it. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have rush into things'

Yui saw the takoyaki messed up at the ground. I notice at her looking at it and I realize that I just wasted my money.

'Oh crap it's not edible now. Sorry', I said.

'It's okay let's just buying another one, but this time I'll be the one buying', said her.

We spent the rest of the time eating until her butler came to take her home. We both go home and parted ways.

'Now that I realize it, I just hug a girl. I didn't think it would be this embarrassing', I said as I fell asleep.

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