Chapter 9: Things I didn't Know

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It is pitch black. Suddenly, light started to breach my eye lids. I opened my eyes and saw my room. I caught sight of the clock and it is already 6 in the morning.

'Hey Yui wake up', I said as I wake her up.

I look under the blanket and saw Yui hugging me tight. Her grasp gets tighter and she started talking on her sleep.

'Haruto... My darling...'

My face starts to get red. I remove her arm from grasping me. I head downstairs to wash my face and brush my teeth. After I'm done with the bathroom, I started cooking breakfast. I used some vegetables and other ingredients from the fridge. After cooking breakfast, I saw Yui coming downstairs.

'Good morning darling', Yui greets me.

'Oh good morning Yui', I reply.

'I came down cause I smelled something delicious', said Yui.

'Come on now. You haven't tasted it yet', I replied.

'Aww... But I'm already hungry', Yui said stingily.

'Don't worry I'm almost done', I said.

I turn off the stove as I finish cooking. I served Yui the food and we started eating.

'How's the food? Is it delicious like you said?' I ask.

Yui take a bite and her eyes sparkled. She a take bite after bite and starts talking.

'Dhis Ommou mime ig demiciod'

'Goodness Yui. Don't talk when your mouth is full', I said as I lecture her.

Yui gulps and talk again.

'This Omu-rice is delicious. I must be lucky to have you as my darling. You're both great at cooking and art', said Yui.

'Quit kidding. You're complementing me too much this early in the morning', I said blushingly.

As soon as we finished eating, we ready ourselves for school. Yui gets to change first while I wash the dishes. While washing, I kept visualizing what I'm going to have as an outcome of Yui's portrait. It made me go back to that moment where I saw her dream-like scenery. The scenery transcend to the moments we've been together so far. Suddenly my face reddens and Yui called me out from behind. I was surprised for her coming out of nowhere.

'Darling, it's time for you to change', said Yui.

'Oh right. Here have this'

I handed over her lunch.

'I made lunch for both of us earlier', I said as I handed her lunch.

'Oh how sweet of you darling', Yui said then smile.

It made me even nervous and embarrass about her talking like that.

'Your flattery won't get you anything', I said stingily.

Yui giggles.

I went upstairs to change. As I wear my uniform I notice a picture at Yui's luggage. I picked it up and saw Yui as a child with her mother and father.

'Yui looks so happy in this picture. I've never seen her this much happy before', I said as I stare at the picture.

Yui called me from downstairs so I hurried down after changing. I put back the picture and went downstairs.

'What took you so long? We're going to be late if you spent another minute up there', said Yui pouting.

'I'm sorry about that. So shall we go now?' I said.

True FeelsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang