Chapter 15: Preparations

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The death of my grandfather was really hard on me. It hit me so much, until I heard Yui say such words 'We just have to live our life for those who couldn't anymore.' Later that night before going to sleep, I went to grandfather's ashes and prayed.

'Sorry I couldn't be tough grandpa. But don't worry; thanks to someone I'm fine now. I remembered what you told me back then. I guess you're right, about people coming to your life and changing you', I said.

After one sidedly talking to grandpa, I went to sleep. In the morning everything went back to normal. Even so there are still some aches and pains. I got up, open the blinds, fix my bed and then went down stairs. While going down I can smell mom's cooking. It smells aromatic as always.

'Good morning son', said dad.

'Good morning dad. No work today?' I ask.

'Actually I'm still in my leave. Yesterday I just went out to meet an old friend', dad said.

My dad isn't an artist anymore and, so is mom. They retired because they wanted to take care of me. Grandfather got sick and has to stay on his house. My parents gave up their passion because of me. That is why I wanted to become something they couldn't. I ate breakfast with the family with little chats of mom and silly jokes from dad.

'I'm glad to be back'

What I said stopped the both of them from talking. They look at me and smiled.

'What are you talking about you dumbass. You're home for almost 4 days', said dad trying to make fun of me.

Mom laughed then dad and eventually me. The table is again lively and so is us. After eating, I changed to my uniform. Before I left I said my regards including to grandpa.
I walk to school with some rejoice in me. When I arrived at the school gate, Yui was there waiting for me. As I saw her, it feels somehow gratifying. Yui saw me. She ran and jumped on to me. We both fell over like rumbling elementary kids.


'I've missed this so much darling', said Yui.

'But you don't have to jump on me like that', I said.

'Come on now. Don't be such a grump darling. If you're upset that I only miss this set up, of course I also miss the one who's with me in this', said Yui.

My face quickly reddens.

People started to talk about us. It alarmed me of what they're going to think of my image.

'Yui... Heavy...' I said hardly breathing.

'What did you say!?' she exclaimed

Yui hit me and then went first to the classroom.

'I also miss this', I said as I tried getting up.

I catch up with Yui and we both went to the classroom. When I open our classroom door, everybody looked at me.

'Hey Haruto are you alright!?'

'Sorry for your loss'

'My condolences'

'We're glad you're back Haruto'

Everyone approached me like I'm some kind of a celebrity. Yui went to her sit as is. I was startled by their approach. It was unexpected. Nobody of my classmates ever talked or cared about me the past times. I sat on my desk and tried to answer them. Our homeroom teacher went in and settled us down.

'Just so everybody knew, your test will be held next week. I assume you all have been studying by now', said our hr teacher.

Every one of my classmates was silenced and looking really nervous.

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