Christmas Special: Chapter 28

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My name is Miura. I am currently on Christmas vacation. A friend of mine is on the way to help me fetch a gift for my assigned partner.

'Hey Miura. Did you waited long?' said Haruto. 'No buddy. I just got here', I said as a reply.

We are on some restaurant in the mall and currently planning on how or what should I do to have Chiaki have the greatest Christmas date with me.

'So... We are going to meet up by 6, go on a restaurant at 7, give my gift at 8, walk around the district at 9, rest on some bench and drink some hot coffee at 10, go to the park at 11, and finally watch the fireworks display' I said as I write my plan.

'You sure planning it will help you?' asked Haruto. 'Yeah it helps me organize and think about stuff', I replied.

'Well my first date with Yui is great even though we didn't plan it', says him. 'Not planning about it makes me nervous' I reply.

'Suit yourself, but what about the gift?' asked Haruto. 'Hmm... Let's check the accessory and clothing stores around the mall and see what I could gift her.

We roamed around the mall to look for Chiaki's gift. But I didn't choose any. Haruto senpai already had his gift for Yui yet I'm here still thinking for one.

'How about a scarf?' asked Haruto. 'Yeah I guess a scarf would look good on her especially that red scarf over there...' I said as I point out the clothing store in front of us.

We went in the store and took a closer look at the scarf. While we are looking, an old woman approaches us. 'Are you going to buy that scarf?' asked the old lady.

'Yes I was thinking of giving this scarf to someone', I said to the lady. 'Well that woman will be happy. This scarf is made with joy and creativity as I stitch', said her.

'So you are the tailor that made this scarf?' I ask out of curiosity. 'Yes dear, in fact if you look closely you can see a wonderful stitch on the scarf', said her as she holds the scarf.

I look close enough and saw a word stitched in the scarf. 'Why is there a word precious on the scarf?' I ask again.

'This scarf was supposed to be for my granddaughter that is very small and lovely', the lady smiles as she talks to us. After that we bought the scarf and went home. I thanked Haruto for helping me.

Later that night I called Chiaki and ask her.

'Hey Miura. What made you call me?'

'I uh... Would you spend Christmas eve with me?'

'Yeah sure why not'

'Really? Great then, let's meet up at 6 near the station'

'Okay goodbye Miura. See you at Sunday'

'Bye, see you'

After putting down the phone I went wild as I jump and scream around the house. It was huge success for me to ask her. She is usually very stingy.

The next day, I waited at the station for Chiaki to come. After a few minutes from our waiting time, she came with a very irritating piece of clothing. She was already wearing a scarf.

'Hi Miura did you wait long?' asked Chiaki. I stood there with silence. 'Hey are you okay?' She asks again.

'I-I'm fine. It's just you are wearing a scarf and it is unexpected', I said to her. 'Why unexpected? It it cold you know. And what is in that bag you are carrying?' She point out the bag.

'Oh this... You see...' I pull out the scarf and showed it to her. 'It is supposed to be a present for you. I guess you could just wear it some other time', I said to her.

She removed her scarf and put it on to me. Then she took the red scarf I bought and worn it. 'There... Now you don't have to wait for next time to see me wearing this'

I hid my blushing face with the scarf. 'So what are we gonna do now?' She asked. 'Let us eat first. I know a place to fill ourselves', I said as I drag her.

We went to a restaurant for some Yakitori. As I eat, I notice that she isn't moving her food that much. 'Do not like the food?' I ask her.

'No... I already eat something before I go here. I didn't know we are going to eat', said Chiaki. 'Ah it is okay. I'll just finish eating this and then we can go'

We are at an awkward silence. After I finish eating we went out of the restaurant. 'Look Miura, an arcade!' She points out in front of me. 'Let's go there I wanna play some', she ran ahead to the arcade.

'What am I gonna do? The plan isn't being followed at all' I said as I sigh. I went over to Chiaki to the crane machine. 'Hey Miura I want that one!' She points to the pig stuff toy.

'Please?' She said as she makes a cute face. 'I guess I could catch it for you', I inserted a coin and easily catch the toy. 'Here's your toy piggy' I said holding it and acting like the worst ventriloquist.

Chiaki giggles at my performance. Seeing her happy made me laugh too. I gave her the toy and went forward as we go walk around the district.

Outside, She is like a child that didn't see the world ever since she was born. She is checking everything she sees and making me look at it. People started looking at us.

'Uh... Chiaki. You're being too loud. People are looking at us', I said to her. She looks around and then clings to my arm. 'How embarrassing...' She said as her face turns red.

Chiaki's stomach started to crumble as she is already hungry. 'Hey Miura. Could we go eat there?' She points to the ramen shop. I look at my list and sighed. I crumbled it and putted it in my pocket. Chiaki notice and she look intrigued. 'I guess we could eat there', I said.

We eat at the ramen shop. While Chiaki savor her noodles, my face was horrible eating again for the second time. 'What's that face for?' Chiaki laughed. I smiled at her and signaled the food was good.

After eating I can barely stand. Chiaki had her shoulder for me to lean. We went on the park nearby where I rest my stomach. 'I'm really sorry Miura. I forgot you ate already', she said worriedly. 'No it is my fault too, for still eating it even though I'm full'

I felt tired and slowly I fell asleep at her shoulder. Chiaki remembered the list I brought out earlier. She took it from my pocket. Chiaki smiled as she looks at the list I created. She realized that the reason I sighed earlier was because my plan was not followed.

'Hey Miura...' I wake up at her lap. 'What is it?' I asked. 'You stupid dork... I love you!' She exclaimed. My heart pounded really hard and my face turned red.

'What are you saying all of a sudden?' I said. 'I'm saying I love you dummy!' I turn even redder. 'So what do you say-' I lift my head to kiss her. After I smack her lips I fell on her lap again. 'I love you too...' I said as I look away.

We watch the fireworks holding each other's hand and having our hearts synchronized. I finally have the girl I like to like me back.

Later that day I accompany Chiaki as she goes home. We arrive at her house. 'Bye Chiaki-', Chiaki suddenly kissed me. 'Geez... My lips are gonna get dry because of you', I said blushingly. 'Bye Miura. See you again', she said goodbye with a smile.

Chiaki went in her house to find her grandma stitching some winter gloves. 'Hey grandma, I'm back', said Chiaki. Her grandma notices the red scarf and smiled. 'That scarf really suit you my dear', said her grandma.

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