Chapter 22: Almost a Congenial Path

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Now comes the last day of the field trip. I guess it's more like a do it yourself fieldtrip but, its fun anyway. We got to enjoy ourselves. I'm really happy that I switched the pairing sticks. If a pair ended up being two girls, those two might've gotten hurt. Even though my purpose for that was for Miura and Izuki to pair up with the person they like. I guess it did work. I can see all of 'em talking with their partners.

'Looks like all of them is lovey dovey', said Yui.

'They sure look sweet', I said as I grin.

'Why are you smiling', asked Yui.

'It's nothing...' I replied.

'If you say so', said her.

After eating, the girls were asked to buy some supplies for the bonfire. We boys are asked to lift the huge woods from the nearby storehouse.

'I wish we're just girls. This thing incredibly heavy', said Miura.

'Quit whining Miura. Let's just do the job', said Izuki senpai.

'By the way do guys already have an artwork?'

We were silenced by his question.

'I'm taking you haven't yet... HOW IRRESPONSIBLE!!!' screamed Izuki.

'Calm down senpai. I might not have an artwork now but, I have one in my mind. I'm gonna do it after we're done with the trip', I said.

'And what about you Miura?'

'I-I'm the same...', said him.

'You better be or I'll let go of this wood we're carrying'

'Scary...', said Miura and I.

Meanwhile on girls...

'How are you Risa... I mean aren't you like scared of what happened yesterday?' ask Yui.

'It's not that scary when you have the person you love beside you', said Risa.

'Ugh... Such cheezy lines', said Chiaki.

'Someone's bitter. Tell us about it', said Risa.

'Fine... It is just.... Haruto rejected me', said Chiaki.

'Wha... When!?', said Risa and Yui.

'It was last night. You guys are all asleep except for the three of us. Izuki was finishing his painting outside in the lobby. Haruto and I are the only one left inside. We were cleaning the mess you guys made. I thought it was a great opportunity for me to ask his response. Before I could even ask him he straight out said sorry. He rejected me for the least', said Chiaki.

'Oh it's alright...' said Yui as she hugs Chiaki.

'Don't comfort me thinking about your victory you fun bag', said Chiaki as she push Yui away.

'I guess Miura's right about not pushing it any further', Chiaki said.

'Looks like there's a sudden change of feels', said Risa.

'What are guys saying... I don't like Miura!', said Chiaki.

'We didn't say anything about liking', said both Yui and Risa.

Chiaki's face reddens.

'Oh shut up. Let's just finish this shopping', said Chiaki.

On the afternoon, we eat lunch at the tables set up by our schoolmates.

'How's shopping?' I ask Yui.

'It is fine. By the way, I heard you rejected Chiaki', Yui replied.

'Yeah... I figured you'd get mad if I hold her confession', I said.

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