Chapter 6: Reunited with the Past

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'It's been so long... Haruto'

'Wait. Do I know you?'

For some reason, the girl was surprise to hear my reply.

'I guess you forgot about it. Well you wouldn't know my name because I never got to tell you', said her.

'I'm really sorry but I can't recall seeing you somewhere before', I reply.

As we are chatting, I slowly help with her stuff that is scattered on the street. My eye caught an interesting catch. I saw her sketchbook. I take a look and it feels really familiar.

'Well that was weird. This looks oddly familiar', I said curiously.

'That is because... it is yours'

What she said did not make any sense. I open the sketchbook and scan some of the drawings. The drawings aren't mine. I was certain that it wasn't mine, but then I flip it to the last page. A drawing of a woman was there. I didn't know who the woman was, but it made me feel really happy all of a sudden.

'You... You are...'

'Yes I am', she replied.

'It all came back to me. I was at a festival back then. Back at that time I was just little. I found a girl that is same age as mine. She was lost and tried to help her, but then she vanished', I said as I think out loud.

'I'm sorry if I just disappeared. My mother found me and was so furious. She grabbed my hand and walk away unhesitant. Too bad I couldn't say good bye. I tried going back there as we go home, but you were already gone', she said.

I look at my watch and I was already late for school.

'Oh crap I'm almost late'

'Yeah me too', she panickly said.

She notices that I was also wearing the same uniform as her. She hops on her bike and ask me for a ride.

'Come on Haruto, I'll give you a ride. Have it as my thanks for helping me back then', said her.

I didn't have any choice. I rode with her bike to the school.

'By the way my name is Hasegawa Risa', said her while peddaling.

'Well it's nice to finally meet you again Risa', I shakily said.

We arrive at school just in time. She needed to park her bike so I already headed to my room. I made it just in time for my name to be called in attendance. Everybody laughs as I enter the room screaming 'I'm here.'

'You made it darling', Yui laughs out loud.

'Yeah I guess I did', I replied panting.

The teacher made us settle down and started the class. After sometime, our lunch time came. As usual, Yui and I eat lunch together at the cafeteria. We sat at a table and eat lunch together.

'So why are you almost late today Haruto? It's not normal for you to be like that', Yui ask.

'I just happen to run into someone on my way here', I said.

'Oh is it someone you know?', ask her.

'Well yeah. Sort of', I said as a reply.

Yui puts curiosity on her face.

Suddenly her phone started ringing.

'Looks like I have a call. Be right back', said Yui.

She went off somewhere to answer the call and left me there eating. I dropped my spoon recklessly after taking a bite. I look down to get it but it was gone.

'Here', said someone.

It was Risa handing me my spoon.

'Thank you', I said.

She joined me at the table to eat after returning my spoon. We talk about the past and how everything went after that. After Risa return with her mother, she moved to her grandparents that are great artist. I was surprise as she said that her grandfather is Endo Hasegawa, a great artist that is famous for his nature portraits. He's man who is very skilled with sketching. I look up to him ever since I was a kid. We chatted about drawings and stuff. I was happy because I reunited with someone from my past. Yui return from her call. She saw Risa and I laughing and having a good time.

'So Haruto who is this girl', said Yui.

Yui spoke all of a sudden so I was surprise.

'I see that you're back already', I nervously said.

'And I see you are having fun with another girl', Yui sinisterly said.

'No it's not what you think Yui. You see... She's the one I run into this morning', I said pathetically defending myself.

'So you're replacing me with a woman you just met!' Yui said madly.

She hit me hard on my head and then left.

'Aww... That really hurt', I said as I skew in pain.

'Who was that Haruto? That girl and you seem really close", Risa ask.

'Well you see... That woman is my assigned wife', I said.

'Oh so you already got your notice too', Risa replied.

I was surprise that she also had received her notice. It's like a complete coincidence.

'So who's the guy?', I ask.

'Guy?' she replied confuse.

'Wait, you are assigned with another woman?' I ask.

She laughed so hard.

'I was just joking you know. You should've seen your face. It was so hilarious', she said after making fun of me.

'Well it looks like lunch is almost over. We should head back now. Let's just explain things to Yui later after school', she said then left.

I return to the classroom and saw Yui there. She was still upset about what happened back at the cafeteria. I tried talking to her but she's just avoiding me. I just spend the whole remaining time listening to the discussion. After sometime, our dismissal came. Yui gets her bag and left without saying a word to me. I followed her and tried to ask some of her time.

'Yui wait up', I said.

'What is it that you want jerk', Yui said.

'Look, Risa isn't a girl I would date. It is because she is-'

'It is because Haruto and are just friends', Risa said as she suddenly appears.

'Haruto and I had a little bit of a past. You see... He helped me find my mother when I was a kid. I was crying back then, but Haruto approach me to help. You should be thankful that Haruto is your assigned husband. He is a very kind person', said Risa.

Yui started to accept things and apologize for misunderstanding things.

'You're kind of harsh back there, saying you I'm not to be dated by you', Risa said to me.

'I'm sorry about that', I said terribly trying to make up.

'Hey Haruto are you at any clubs?', Risa ask.

'I'm not. Why'd you ask?', I said.

'Well, come with me tomorrow. I'll show you something amazing', said her.

After saying our goodbyes to Risa, Yui and I walk to the entrance together. For some reason she really looks happy that time.

'Someone looks very happy', I said.

'Oh yeah. You bet I am'

'Look sorry for throwing tantrums at you back then. I shouldn't have jumping into conclusions', Yui said.

'It's okay don't worry about that much', I replied.

After walking to the entrance we parted ways and with that, another day was over.

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