Chapter 25: Peacefully Sleeping

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I went back to the school gate to find no one but Miura there. I ran to him to ask him what clearly happened.

'Yui was taken by a rich looking blonde guy', says him.

Suddenly my phone was ringing. I look to see who it is but it looks like the one's calling me already arrived at where I was. Fredderick stopped in front of me and opened his window.

'Sir Haruto', he said loudly as he talks on the phone.

It stings my ear to hear such loud voice.

'Get in the car we don't have much time', says Freddirick.

So as he said, I went into the car. I told him to put down the phone. He drove fast while he talks to me.

'What is going on?' I ask him confusedly.

'Miss Yui was taken by Sir Michael. He must be going into one of their company' branch here in Japan', said Freddirick.

Right after he's done explaining, we arrive at some building in tokyo. We step out of the car and went in the building.

'I've been serving their family for years. I won't let something this absurd to happen', says him.

The guards tried to stop us asking what our business of coming there. We said we are to see Michael. He apologized and told us that Michael was busy in his office at the moment. I tap the guard in his shoulder and ask if Michael brought a girl into the building. He replied it is none of our business and then pushed me.

I pointed out to the sky and said there's a weird flying object. They bought it and so, I ran with Freddirick to the elevator. Luckily we made it. Freddirick looks at me then laugh. He said I was like him when I was young. I smiled in return. We arrive in its top floor, or so we thought. The elevator arrived at the 49th floor. The last floor was to be reach with staircase. Some guys in suit were ahead of us. They stopped at what are they doing and clenches their fists.

'Those are the intruders. Go get them', said one of them in a calm manner.

They come to us as a group. Freddirick rolled up his sleeves and got ready to fight. He kicked their asses one by one. After one group fails to restrain us, another group came.

'Go ahead and save Miss Yui without me', said him.

'What about you?'

'Don't worry sir Haruto, I'll come to you after this', said Freddirick.

I feel really guilty leaving him but Yui needed me. I went to the stairs and quickly reached final boss. I saw Yui unconscious and tied up on the table. Michael grabbed a knife and pointed it to Yui.

'Don't make an unnecessary movement. I won't hesitate to stab her', said him.

'Let go of her bastard!' I screamed as I took a step.

'Uh ah... I won't be that brave if I were you', says him.

He slashed Yui's top and open it. He touches Yui's breast and pointed a knife at me.

'Stop that you bastard!'

He licks Yui's neck down to her bra.

'What are you gonna do you gloomy looking bastard?' said him.

I can't hold back my anger anymore but, I can't do anything to save her. I feel really hopeless as her partner.

'What's this? You've given up already? What a buzz kill. I guess Yui doesn't really deserve someone like you. You are nothing but a sad looking brat that trembles in his fears', says him.

I picked up two long hard sticks I found and toss him one.

'You are the coward one, taking a woman as a hostage. If you are a man go ahead and fight me for real', I said.

'Fine I'm gonna play your little game pip squeak'

He grabbed the stick and got ready to fight me head on.

'You brat shouldn't underestimate us rich people!' he yelled as he dashes in front of me.

I dodge his stroke and manage to his hand. He let go of the stick so I rush to hit him at his feet. He held on his knife and stabbed it to my leg. I kneeled to the ground because of the pain. Yui wakes up and saw me stabbed by the knife. She screamed my name so we notice her.

'Looks like you're awake my lovely bride. You are now to witness the death of your beloved assigned partner.' After saying that, he made me roll with a kick.


Yui screams. She closed her eyes, I saw her tears again. Yui is in pain again not being able to smile and to things that she likes. I guess I'm really a failure as his assigned husband.

'What's the matter Yui? Don't cry... I'm here for you', says Michael.

He turns around and walks over to Yui. Michael wipes off Yui tears.

'Don't cry my love. I'm here-'

Yui's hand got relieve from being restrained. She slapped Michael so loud.

I ran towards them and hit Michael in his head knocking him down unconscious.

'Stay down bastard', I said then fell into my knee.

Freddirick arrived to see Yui and me looking really messed up. After freeing Yui, Freddirick headed to the hospital for us to get treated. While driving over there, I was laying on Yui's lap. She keeps calling my name and her cry continues.

'Hang in there Haruto, all will be alright. I won't let another person dear to me to just disappear again', said her in tears.

We soon arrive at the hospital and I was quickly putted to emergency room. Yui seated while holding on the charm she bought.

'Not yet Haruto. You can't die yet', said her. 'I haven't told you that I love you yet.'

After two hours of waiting, the doctor finally came to them to report the situation.

'The patient is now safe. We already prepared a room for him so if you wanted to visit him, just go there', said the doctor. 'Don't worry too much. That kid is tough. He doesn't look like it but he actually smiled before we make him unconscious for the operation.'

Yui was so relieved of what she just heard. She quickly went to me after that.

After the doctors remove the knife and treated my wounds, I was given a room to rest. Since Yui isn't that much hurt she didn't need it. While I was in a hospital bed Yui enters my room to check on me. I was sleeping so she didn't get to talk to me. I woke up seeing her beside me holding my hand. It made me smile that she stayed by my side. Soon after, my parents arrive.

'Haruto are you alright? Are you hurt?' my parents said worriedly.

I putted my finger against my lips and shush them as I pat Yui's head slowly.

'She's sleeping'

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