Chapter 19: Field Trip or Battlefield?

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It is now 6 o' clock in the morning. We are outside the school buses waiting for other students.

'Good morning Yui. You sure are early. You're really excited about the trip aren't ya'?' I said.

'I sure am. It is my first time going on a field trip in Japan after all', said Yui.

'By the way have you seen Miura and the others?' she asked.

'I haven't yet. They're going to a different bus since they are of different grade level and section. When we all get there, Izuki senpai will just rent a room for 5 of us', I said.

'Well could you make that 6?'

Someone said something behind me and it was Chiaki.

'Sup' Haruto', said her.

'What are you doing here you walking chop board?' said Yui.

'It just so happen that one of your classmates is not going to attend the field trip and, my teacher eagerly forced me to go on your bus', Chiaki said.

'What!? That can't be...' said Yui.

'Who said you get to give orders? Blehh...', said Chiaki making a face.

I again can see their foreheads exchanging thunders.

'Everybody get in the bus now we're leaving soon!', said the teacher.

Chiaki clings onto my arm.

'Let's go Haruto', said Chiaki.

Yui also clings onto my other arm.

'Come on Haruto the bus is leaving', said her.

They pulled me oppositely as the walk into the bus entrance.

'Aw...' said the three of us.

'Hey there you three, would you mind hurrying it up?' said our teacher.

They let go of me as I walk in first. The only seat remaining is at the back. The three of us sit there having me at the middle. Engine revs up and the bus finally moves. While at the road, the two of them seem to be having some kind of a death glare. It is really freaking me out. It's like they're going to fight or something.

'Would you two stop fighting like kids. You're going to disturb others with that', I said.

'Fine...' said both of them.

'Hey darling would you like some sandwiches? I made plenty', said Yui.

'Or perhaps you'd like to taste my handmade onigiri?' said Chiaki.

'Well I'm not really hungry right now', I said.

'How about a massage darling? I guess you're pret-ty tired after packing your stuff yesterday', Yui said.

'Let's play truth or dare Haruto. So that you could finally answer my confession', said Chiaki.

'Well he's going to dump you walking chop board', said Yui.

'I wonder how a gorilla massages', said Chiaki.

Both of them are starting a storm.

'Both of you stop okay!? I'm choosing neither!' I said.

'Hey Haruto and the others. It seems like you're getting noisy back there', said our teacher.

'Sorry teach. We'll keep it down now', I said softly.

'Because of you two I'm going to get scolded. Stop it now or I'll exchange seats with others', I said.

'Alright fine...' said both of them.

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