Chapter 10: Overlaying Problems

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Another usual day had come that I woke up to. I get out of the bed and headed downstairs to wash my face. I walk to the bathroom door but then I heard a voice coming from the dining room. It was Yui cooking breakfast.

'Good morning darling', said Yui.

'Hey *yawn* G'morning', I said sleepy.

Yui sets the table so we could eat.

'Here eat this Haruto. I didn't know how to cook but please enjoy', said her.

I look at what she cooked. It was a burnt egg. I guess she's not kidding when she said she can't cook. Yui questioned me why I'm not eating it yet.

'Geez Haruto the food is going to get cold. Eat it already', said Yui with blush on her face.

I felt guilty about not wanting to eat it. But her face spells heartfelt so I tried eating it. I took a bite of it. The taste was horrible. Even so, I put a smile on my face.

'It's delicious but... It could work some more practice', I said.

'Oh I see...', Yui said sadly.

I coughed because of the horrible taste of food. Yui patted my back.

'You know if it tastes bad you can just eat rice instead', Yui sounding upset.

I remembered my promise to make her happy all the time. I do not want to be another burden for her. I held my spoon again and started eating the food she made.

'Don't be sad Yui. Like I said, this egg is delicious. All you need is guidance and I can do that for you', I said as I take bite after bite.

Yui's eyes widen and started eating her food. Slowly, tears came running down her face.

'Hey Yui are you alright?' I asked concern.

'No I'm *sob* okay. It's just I'm so happy', said Yui.

I went to her and hug her. Yui hugged me back slowly.

'I will protect your smile', I whispered.

After that we finished eating and get ready for school. We are again to be drive to school by Fred. As we walk out the door, Yui's bright smile is seen by Fred and was amazed. He whispered me his amazement, that Yui is happier than she usually is. Yui stopped us from talking to each other and told me to get in the car. I did and we drove to school. Yui and I walked together to our room. We walked together to the room as usual. My eye caught something from afar. It was someone on top of the school building. That someone looks like he's moving in a weird way.

'Hey Yui look at that', I said pointing to the figure.

'Where, what is it?' said Yui.

I look at it again and the figure seems to be gone.

'Well that's weird', I said.

'Why what's weird', Yui asked.

'Just a moment ago I saw someone at the rooftop', I replied.

'I see no one up there', said her.

'Are you okay? Did you get enough sleep last night?' Yui said as she touch my forehead.

My face reddens. I remove her hand and acted normal.

'Yeah of course I am. I'll just rest after I submit my painting', I said stretching my limbs.

'Ok if you say so', said Yui.

We continued walking until we arrive at the classroom. Our teacher entered the room and started the class. I hope to forget what I just saw earlier as I try to listen eagerly. After some classes, lunch time came. I needed to go to the rest room so I told Yui to head first at the cafeteria. After using the toilet I saw someone really familiar. It looks like he was in a hurry and I didn't saw his face. I was intrigued so I followed him. He seems to be headed to the rooftop. When he was at the door to the top of the building he stopped. He looks around checking if someone is following him. I hid at a corner and waited. After hearing the door close, I took a peak. He seems to be already there. I walk to the door and open it.

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