Chapter 27: Hearts are Finally Coming Together

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I went on a 30 minute train trip and arrive at the place where she lives. I've never been to Yui's house. So when I went to the place, I was amazed. She didn't live in any villa neither a mansion in some mountain part of the city. What I saw is a great looking apartment. I was about to ring the doorbell when someone stopped me.

'Hello sir Haruto', it was Freddirick that is standing behind me.

He scared the hell out of me. 'Good morning', I said to him.

'If you are here to see Miss Yui, well... She's not here', says him.

My face turns confuse. 'Why... Why is she not here?' I ask.

'The only one who's in that building is sir Erick. Miss Yui just went back to your house a while ago', said him.

Even though I knew Yui wasn't here, I need to get in there and talk to that man. 'How do I get in?' I ask Fred.

'Well you need permission, or...' He swipes down a card on the device. 'You can enter using this access card', said him.

The glass door opens slowly.

'I'll see you later Freddirick. I'm just gonna talk to my father-in-law', I said. I walk in waving my hand.

'Kids these days surely are interesting...' said Freddirick softly.

I went in the elevator and go to Yui's floor. What I expected was to see a condo unit where Yui is in. It is a little bigger than I imagined. A whole floor... Was Yui's room. There I see sir Erick sitting at a chair and looking at a painting.

'What brings you here?' said him. He's still looking at the painting.

'Look sir... Your daughter Yui...'

'You don't have to tell me boy. I already know', he said as he cut through what I was saying.

'I already know... That I'm not a great father...' said him.

I felt sad all of a sudden looking at a downed and upset father.

'Yui was our only child. I swore on Yuuna's grave... I wouldn't let our daughter live a horrible life. She won't experience pain and sorrow. But I was naive to think of that. I worked even harder on my company to give Yui that perfect life I want her to live but... I was really a fool. I thought it would give her a joy and excellent wife yet, it was the opposite. I didn't know that she was being restraint of my plans for her. I'm a failure as her father. Because of my foolishness, she ended up growing up away from his father's feelings', he said sadly. What I didn't know was that, he was bursting tears already.

I came close to him and patted his back. 'It is alright... We all make our mistakes', I said.

Then I notice the painting he was holding. 'Wait that was...'

'Yeah... It is Yui and the one beside her, was you', he said as he cut what I was talking about.

What the painting was, Yui and I looking happily while our memories together surround us.

'I'm jealous of you Haruto... My daughter loves you yet, as his father I was nobody', said him in a sad tone.

'That isn't true sir', I said as I look at him.

'How do you say so?' Sir Erick asked confused.

'That time at our fieldtrip. She chose to be with that guy instead of us her friends. I think... She did that because, she doesn't your company be taken away from you. Yui let go of me just to save your precious company Sir Erick', I said to him.

The man went in tears. I hugged him and patted his back. 'Your daughter really loves you sir', I said.

'I'm happy... To hear that', he said as he cry even more.

'Haruto? Are you here-'

Yui just came back after knowing I wasn't home. As she gets back, she saw a beautiful sight where a father cries with joy as he hears that her daughter loves him.

'Uh... Haruto, what's going on?' Yui asks.

Sir Erick and I looked at Yui. 'Your dad wants to say something to you', I said.

I give his dad a little push and found his self in front of her daughter.

'Yui... I... I'm very sorry, for all the things I did to you. Will you forgive me... My daughter?' said Sir Erick.

'Of course dad...' Yui hugged his father and they shared a cherish moment together.

'Well now... I've gotta go. I don't want to ruin your moment together', I said as I walk away.

'What are you saying? Come on and join us son!' said sir Erick.

'Wait son? Is that me?' I ask.

'Of course you dummy. Come join us', said Yui.

The three of us hugged together like a family. To be able to comfort with someone, it sure is a great reason why it is fun to be human.

The hugging moment ended and just like it did; it's finally time for me to leave for real. After that sir Erick sold his company and started a business here in Japan. Yui spent the time they lost from each other.

Several months had passed after the incident, everything is doing fine now. It was sad that the spring contest wasn't our victory to celebrate. Even so, the club is hanging just fine. Chiaki finally joined the club and started to get warm and cozy with Miura who is now starting a great manga. They soon received their notice and became partners. As for Risa and Izuki, they are now going on dates and became more intimate than usual. But Izuki still is a natural born human who has obsession for body curves. And If you are wondering how Yui and I were doing, well...

'Hey darling?'

'Yeah what is it?'

I look at her to see a beautiful woman in dress. It is not just any dress. It was white as her skin and beautiful as her.

'You look great on that'

'Thanks you too'

She said as she compliments my black suit.

We faced the mirror and look at ourselves with joy.

'We look very lovely in these'


'It sure is great though... For us to officially get married'

'You're saying that yet that wedding is to be held tomorrow'

'It is just it's too exciting to step a little forward'

'Geez if you say a cheesy line again, I'll unwear this'

'My tummy looks big in this dress'

'Oh yeah we gotta go to the doctor next week to see how our baby is doing'



'I love you'

'Ugh... I said don't say something cheesy'

'...I love you too Yui'

Yes, it ended with a kiss. Just like any other fairy tale, a happy ending had come to us. After all of those self assessment obstacles we've gone through, those times we had together, the people we've been with. We finally settled our true feelings.


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