Stary Nights to Secrets

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Jaemin was walking inside his house from one side to another groaning. He was all alone and the quarantine system was killing him.
More than that his mind was bursting with weird ideas . Mainly why Jeno was lying and Renjun was supporting him. Talking to Jeno man to man wasn't an option as the situation wasn't on his favor. But he can Talk to Renjun right ?
Though important things like this should be discussed face to face but Jaemin is impatient .
So he dialed Renjuns number and the Chinese male picked up after few rings ,

" Hello Injunie "

" Yeah Hi hello NI hao Jaeminaa , what's up , anniyong ... "

Jaemin laughed immediately listening to Renjuns annoyed yet adorable greeting.

" Are you that bored that you are saying me hello in 3 languages ? What are you doing ?"

Renjun sighed and Jaemin heard car horn.
" This freaking Lock Down is eating my brain out. I wanted to eat pizza and I'm not in a mood of cooking. But no restaurant would give me home delivery and I was so bored inside my house. So I came out and riding the city by my car , looking for any open decent restaurant because I'm craving Korean style pizza aaarrhhhh... "

Jaemin couldn't help laughing again.

" Don't laugh Jaemin "

" No ... It's just... You are whinning like a kid... It's cute ..."
Jaemin was laughing.

" Ahh... I'm craving like a pregnant woman and you think it's funny ?"

Jaemin knows how a pregnant womans craving works. He handled his pregnant whiny wife too.
Then he said something really really surprising that he never thought of saying ,
" Injunie.. do you wanna come over ? I can make you pizza . I have all ingredients"

Jaemin paused as soon as the offer slipped from his mouth  .

" Okay "

" Okay ??"

Jaemin wasn't ready to hear this but Renjun just simply replied in positive.

" Yeah. But you need to put much more meat and cheese on pizza . Otherwise I'm not coming "

Renjun laughed .

" Aye aye captain. "

" Send me the location map Jaem "

" On it "

Jaemin was still processing the whole thing.
Renjun was coming to his house .
Renjun was coming to his house.
Renjun was coming to his house ,
When Jasmine isn't in house.
Oh shit.

Jaemin quickly fixed his house . Though it was fix enough still . He changed his clothes and put some cologne on his body. After combing his hair he start making the dough. Good thing he had marinated chicken on fridge. Perks of having a kid .

Renjun arrived about 25 minutes later . Jaemin opened the door smilingly.

" Hii Jaem"

" Hey Injunie .."

Jaemin really had the urge to hug Renjun but he refrained himself from doing that.

" Bathroom is on that side. Clean yourself first "

" Yes obviously . Cleaning first "
Renjun smiled and left to clean his hands and face . Safety first during this crucial time.

Jaemin was now kneading the dough . Renjun stood behind and stare at Jaemins back muscles. How they were moving with the action of Jaemins hands.

He gulped and decide not to stare anymore. But it was Na Jaemin after all. Yet Renjun can't stare too long. It was making weird things inside his tummy.
Bloody fucking hormones.

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