Choose Your Side

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note: i was thinking about stopping this book, but then i saw y'all comment and vote and now i can't stop. thanks for being supportive :) it means a lot.

" you recognize this throne?"

Byleth nodded as she glanced at the Holy Tomb. Yes, it was indeed where Sothis rested while she has resided in Byleth's mind. This place was all so familiar...

Her Black Eagles were all beside Rhea, watching in quiet admiration. Edelgard had her eyes trained on the Archbishop the whole time.

"I have waited so long for this day..." Rhea mumbled under her breath, and Byleth narrowed her eyes. Just what did that woman have planned? Hearing about Jeralt's confession only made Byleth more nervous. "Sit upon the throne.."

Byleth hesitated for a slight moment before walking up the stairs and onto the throne. She closed her eyes, awaiting some sort of divine revelation.

"Well?" Rhea asked, a pleasant smile on her face. There was a hopeful and wishful look in her eyes, one that should have made Byleth feel comfortable. Instead, her gaze only fell as a crazed stare. She sighed as nothing happened. "It was supposed to be but a step away..."

"Stop right there!" Edelgard narrowed her eyes, as Imperial troops came behind her. They supported her as she glared down Rhea furiously.

"What is the meaning of this?" Rhea asked in surprise, changing from her normally serene demeanor. Byleth herself stood from the throne, hurriedly walking down.

"Imperial troops..." Ferdinand noted in surprise. "What are they doing here?"

"Did you know about this, Edelgard?" Bernadetta hid behind Caspar, in a shock.

"Yes. In fact, I gave the order," Edelgard replied firmly, a smile on her face. "I am the Flame Emperor."


"Edelgard...?" Byleth whispered, reaching out her hand slightly before lowering it. The Black Eagles house leader wouldn't look at her until she called out her name.

Edelgard glanced over, a pained look in her otherwise steely and determined eyes. She shook her head.

"I'm sorry, my teacher," Edelgard closed her eyes solemnly. Suddenly, Byleth began to understand what she'd been saying about saying their goodbyes... "I cut this path, and now I must follow it."

I don't want to say goodbye.

"You have disappointed me, Edelgard," Rhea narrowed her green eyes in a calm, tranquil fury that was more terrifying than any sort of scream to Byleth...

"So it is my teacher who stands in my way," Edelgard sighed, a saddened and heartbroken look in her lavender eyes. "...I knew it would come to this, and yet..."

"Professor. Kill Edelgard at once," Rhea commanded, pointing at the Flame Emperor. Byleth tried to block out Rhea's voice as the Archbishop called for her beloved house leader's death. Edelgard dying...I don't want that. "She is a danger to all of Fódlan. Such a rebellious heart cannot be allowed to keep beating."

Byleth looked down, closing her eyes. How was this happening? Edelgard was betraying the church? Betraying her? She was the one who was starting this war!?

But...But when had Byleth ever been with the church mentally? Just a month ago, she'd been getting ready to leave. Edelgard wanted to change the church, change the depravity, get rid of Rhea...

Edelgard wanted to achieve everything Byleth wanted to.

This was her chance to escape Rhea's clutches and finally take action against the woman who had done something to her as a child...!

Byleth raised her head, a determined look in her green eyes. She stepped in front of Edelgard, raising her creaking Sword of the Creator in Rhea's direction.

"You...How dare you!" Rhea exclaimed furiously, but Byleth wasn't going to let her continue to rant.

"How dare I?" Byleth retorted, not holding back her tongue for once as she threateningly clutched at her sword. She didn't have to force this emotion, no. This came naturally. "No. Not after what you did to me as a child..."

"My teacher..." Edelgard was clearly baffled, taking a moment to compose herself out of sheer surprise. "Thank you."

"So, this is the choice you have made. You are just another failure," Rhea almost cackled, an insane look in her eyes. "I have passed judgment, and now I shall rip your chest open and take back your heart myself!"

A flash of white passed, and Byleth covered her eyes from the light. When she removed her hand, she saw a white, monstrous, dragon-like creature glaring at her.

"That must be the Immaculate One," Hubert sneered, sinisterly staring at the monster. Byleth had been wrong about Hubert; while he had seemed creepy (and she still kinda thought he was) he actually did other things besides stare over Edelgard's shoulder.

"Yes. The monsters that have controlled Fódlan in secret for far too long..." Edelgard muttered, taking Byleth's hand in hers. All Byleth could do was think of her father's words...Would Jeralt know to come with her? "Rhea is their leader."

"Let's discuss this later," Hubert decided. "We must escape while we still can."


Hubert disappeared into a violet shadow, and Byleth felt magic being performed upon her. She closed her eyes as she felt herself leaving. She knew she shouldn't be thinking it, but all she could do was wonder;

What happened now?

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