My Teacher

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"My teacher...thank you for coming to speak with me."

Byleth shrugged, sitting down in a chair beside Edelgard's bed. The Emperor of Adrestia was bedridden, resting after her heavy wound. Her hair was down for once, her crown resting aside her bedside.

"I needed someone to talk to."

"...I have a feeling you want to talk about something in particular," Edelgard said, cutting straight to the point as always. "You have that look in your eyes."

"...You're right," Byleth nodded, pressing her lips together. She folded her hands in her lap before looking back to Edelgard. "How are you so...stalwart during all of this? How come you stay so calm, and so unfazed?"

"This goal has been mine ever since my siblings were slaughtered by the constrictions of the crests," Edelgard frowned, a stoney look in her lavender eyes. "I have had a lot of time to think this over. No matter what, I must pave a better future for everyone."

"Everyone? What about all those who die during this war?" Byleth shook her head, dismayed. Her past friendships betrayed her now as she'd have to end up fighting them. "What about their future?"

"Those who oppose my efforts have to be eradicated. It is unfortunate, but it must be done if we wish to accomplish any sort of change," Edelgard said. Upon noticing Byleth's still hesitant and unyielding glance, Edelgard elaborated further. "I know, my teacher. It is not ideal...I too, hesitated. But we must be strong enough to push forward, and get rid of this terrible cycle of the strong trampling the weak."

"...Is it not possible for us to take a diplomatic approach...?" Byleth's frown spread across her face. No. I can't...I can't accept this reality. "Surely all of this bloodshed can be avoided."

"It may be hard to believe, but this is the way that leads to the fewest casualties in the end," Edelgard explained, making Byleth cock her head in confusion. The fewest casualties!? How? "The longer we took to revolt, the more victims this crooked world would have claimed. I weighed the victims of war against the victims of the world as it is now, and I chose the former."

"I don't necessarily believe that to be true."

"My teacher, I understand your hesitation. I do," Edelgard said sadly, reaching out to grab Byleth's hand. The Professor didn't get the memo, and was instead surprised as Edelgard gently grasped her fingers. "I know you may be having regrets. But this is the quickest way to make that woman pay. Not just for her crimes against humanity, but also for what she did to you. If we want to make her suffer, and to change the world around us...we must be willing to stand strong. To take what we want. Peace would have resulted in letting that woman get away with ruining Fódlan. She is a monster, you saw. The Immaculate One. As always, it is your may leave if you wish. It would be...inconvenient and...upsetting...but-"

"Edelgard, stop," Byleth interrupted, shaking her head. The stalwart Emperor suddenly looked so fragile as she mentioned Byleth leaving. "I'm not going anywhere. You didn't have to remind me about all that. I know I've been having doubts, but it's not because of our mission. It's because..well..."

Byleth fumbled to find the words here. Edelgard tightened her grip slightly in preparation, a concerned look in her lavender eyes. After a moments more of hesitation, Byleth blurted it out.

"I can't kill Claude."

"Claude? What does he- oh," Edelgard went from looking surprised to slightly irritated, before finally settling on a small, sad frown. "My teacher...So you are not leaving, correct?"

"No. No! I can't," Byleth said again, this time feeling conviction through her veins. Her heart ached, but she knew it was the right thing. She couldn't go, but she had such a dilemma... "But I can't...I can't..."

"...My teacher, I have to know now," Edelgard sat up a bit straighter, a blush sneaking onto her pale cheeks. "Promise you will answer."

"I promise?"

"You remember how I kissed you?"

Byleth nodded, growing impatient. They had already been over this! She wanted a straight answer to her dilemma, and Byleth just wanted Edelgard to acknowledge her problems!

Well, Byleth was in for a bit of a surprise.

Edelgard took a deep breath, gazing into Byleth's eyes. Her hand trembled atop of Byleth's, and the Professor was surprised to see the Emperor so unhinged. Edelgard steeled herself after a slight second, her voice steadying as she finally asked her question;

"My you feel the same as I do?"

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