Forty Five

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The walk to BBQ wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Katie kept up most of the conversation about her show and didn't mention Alex once. I didn't know what I say or do if she did.

While we sat, waiting for our food, Katie folds her hands and places them under her chin.

"So, how's Beetlejuice? Opening night is just in a few months, right?" she asks with a smile. I nod, quickly gulping down my drink to talk.

"Yeah, next weekend we start working on the albums," I explain with a nod. "I'm excited."

"So am I," She squeals. "I can't believe you're going to be in an album. Or a Broadway show, this is crazy. I'm so proud of you." Her smile couldn't grow bigger. I stare at her intensely. Her behavior is really tripping me out.

"Thanks," I fake smile, but she knows.

"I know we aren't on the best of terms, but I really want to say I'm sorry Sarah," she sighs. She hesitates to reach for my hands, but quickly stops herself.

"Katie, I—"

"Yes, what I did was horrible of me. I never should of said that to you at the restaurant," her head drops. "You're a star and very talented."

"Thank you," I thank awkwardly.

"Listen Sarah, I thought about what I did night after night, and I regret it all"

"You do?" I ask cautiously.

"Of course; all of it. Going to his house without you to see Kevin, calling you names, and the incident at the restaurant," she sounds more guilty after every line. What about the kiss?

"You know me well enough that—"

"Yes, I know. You won't forgive me right away, but I'm willing to wait," she finishes my response. "I want my Sarah back."

"Your Sarah? You mean the one that could trust you because you didn't go behind her back and treat her like crap? That Sarah?" I don't know where the sudden attitude came from, but the topic isn't making it any better.

"Yes, that Sarah. I want to fix this and forget this all happened"

"Ok," I nod, clueless of what else to say. I honestly don't know what she expects me to do. "But, the one thing you need to be, is honest with me. All the 'going to see him behind my back' and texting, that was not okay."

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry about that," she chuckles awkwardly. "But I can be honest that nothing was serious. I didn't like him nor try anything with him. I just kinda wanted to tick you off." I accidentally scoff with a chuckle. She notices and hunches a bit.



"I literally just said you need to be honest with me. I just said that," I snap.

"I know, I am," She defends. "I didn't like him nor tried anything." A general laugh escapes my lips, making her scrunch her eyebrows.

"Katie, you are doing a crap job already," I snort, shaking my head.

"Sarah, when we hung out, we only talked about musicals or Kevin. I didn't try to flirt. Not even through texts. I only texted him 'good morning or good night'. Sometimes I asked to hang out without you, but that's all," She explains.

"You didn't flirt? Are you serious? You flirted with him any time he was around. We both know that, Katie."

"It wasn't 'I like him' flirting. It was 'make Sarah jealous' flirting," She defends. Well that doesn't make it any better. She notice my hard expression and lowers her shoulders. "Either way, it shouldn't have happen. I didn't like him and nothing happened, okay?"

"I think I rather us not talk again than you lie to my face," I growl. I really shouldn't have went with her.

"I'm starting to think so too! It's better than you saying I'm lying when I'm not"

"Katie, look at me and tell me you didn't text him to go out to lunch when he was at rehearsals to express your feelings? Tell me!" I raise up a bit in my seat. Suddenly, she pales a bit. Caught you. "Go on, because I'd love to here you lie about this." Katie opens her mouth, but closes it right after, looking away.

"He told you?"

"That wasn't the question, Stokes," I hiss. She gulps and twists her hair around her fingers.

"I didn't think it was a big deal, Sarah. I just wanted to have some lunch with a friend. Sorry if that's a crime," She shrugs. My eyes widen as my jaw falls open.

"What? A cr—that's not—you—I—" I stop and sigh. "Katie, you wanted to have lunch to tell Alex you liked him. I'm not a fucking idiot! Don't try me! I'm done with your bull crap. I'm over it," I yell, probably earning multiple people in the restaurant's attention. At this moment, I don't care at all.

"Look, I—"

"Don't 'look' me, Stokes. Just answer the question. Just tell me you didn't text him out to lunch to express your feelings. If you really didn't, tell me," I say, sitting back down.

Katie looks anywhere, but at me. She got caught and she knows it. And suddenly, I'm starting to like that I came here with her.

"Ok, I did. But, that was all, okay?" She admits. "There, you happy? Do you want me to admit anything else, but I can. I can tell you that we hung out a lot when you weren't there. I can tell you that we went out to eat without you before, that's why I asked him. I can tell you that I think he's cute and that I do like him. It's true and you want me to say it. There you go, honeybun. I like Alex Brightman," She rambles. When she finishes, she stares at her fingers. Just then, the waitress comes with our food. We mutter a thank you, but don't eat.

"Feel better that you got it off your chest?" I ask. She looks up at me, but ignores my question and reaches for her fork. "I'll take that as I no, because I think you have more to say." I know I'm pushing her buttons, but if she wants to go back to the way it was, I need to trust her and know she's not hiding anything like that from me. But you know she's still not telling you something.

"More? What else could you possibly want me to say now?" She scoffs, rolling her eyes.

"If you want to go back to the old us—" That catches her attention quickly. "I need to know that if you did something that could possible hurt me, then you'd tell me. Even if you were scared to tell me." She looks at me confusingly, but I notice her cheeks redden a bit.

"Oh," is all she mumbles.


"You mean—" She gulps again, looking away immediately. "The kiss?" The image of it boils me.

"Yeah, I mean the kiss," I growl lowly.

"I can explain, Sarah!" She panics at my voice. "It wasn't my fault!"

"I'd love to here this," I say, picking up my burger. This'll be good.


In Love With Alex BrightmanWhere stories live. Discover now