day 5

760 43 17

"That's it, Theo.


I'm sorry for the bigger characters up there. I'm just so. pissed.

Is it so hard for people to stay at their motherfucking houses, doing their motherfucking simple things inside their houses and basically not putting one single feet outside? IS IT SO HARD? I spent the entire day watching the news on TV because, well, it's the kind of thing you do just to keep in touch with what's happening around the world. And people INSIST (sorry for the caps lock again) in going out and keeping a normal schedule for their lives; people INSIST in going out to throw some random party at a basement when it's fucking written in every single newspaper that you SHOULD NOT leave home during the quarantine days.

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only man in the world who's actually listening to the government.

Of course, it wasn't all that bad on TV. Fox News reported that Britney Spears is "basically becoming a comunist in front of America's eyes", and I found it to be very funny, because she was just asking for redistribution of wealth, and what they say is so not accurate, you know? But it was fun to know Britney said that. Once a legend, always a legend.

There was also this news about Harry being predicted to reach the top 10 of Billboard next week with his song "Adore You". It's nice. It's a good song, I listened to it almost like a 100 times when it came out. Maybe it was because I was still mourning the end of what we had and this song is, ironically, about the early stages of a relationship. Maybe I wanted to remember the good old days with him while listening to his voice. Maybe I wanted him to know that I kinda wish nothing but the best for his career.

Maybe it was because I was still in love with him and all of his little things.

Liam called me a couple of hours ago. He wanted to know how I was dealing with all this self-quarantine thing, since he's the one who saw me crying numerous times because of my anxiety crisis every time we had to stay together in a small room before a performance or an interview. Harry used to calm me down, but only because Liam would notice first. We're still friends. He still sends me pictures of little Bear, and I still have something to say about all of them.

I didn't tell him I've been mourning Harry again. He would yell at me, and I don't need it.

Anyways. That's it. I hope to do something better tomorrow.

Love, Niall."

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