day 28

601 39 17

"Hi, Theo.

How's life? Dealing well with whatever is happening in the future? Do you want tips from your uncle Niall back from 2020?

Never expect anything from anyone. I'm serious, Theo.

Actually, don't listen to me. Don't pay attention to my words. The whole world is watching me live on Instagram, replying fans on Twitter, doing performances for a couple of shows to make people feel less like "I wanna kill myself" on such hard times... but all I can think about is him. Harry. 

And the fact that, of course, he didn't answered my text.

I've had mixed feelings about this, if that's what you want to know now. First, I thought "thank God he ignored me", 'cause I believed it was the best thing he could do - ignore the attempts of a broken-hearted man of talking to him. Second, I thought "why didn't this asshole answered me? We had history!", 'cause, you know, we were together for a couple of years and the least he could do was say "hi" in respect for what we had. But third, I came to the conclusion he didn't have the right to give me attention. I was the desperate one in this situation. 

Ignore me, Harry, ignore me. 

I called Lewis. I told him what I did, and of course, he freaked out. For ten seconds he truly believed everything between Harry and I was about to be good again, but of course, I had to scream "NOTHING HAPPENED" seven times until my friend could realize the power of my words. 

I knew that calling Lewis wouldn't do anything important to me. And still I called him. And I ended up angrier at everything because he actually couldn't say one good thing about this story. 

But I still heard whatever he had to say. Because I'm a good friend.

Also, I heard that Little Mix new track. Break Up Song? Couldn't come in such a better time for me, right? How ironic life can be. I danced around the living room, and for three full minutes, I forgot my heart was metaphorically breaking inside me. Kudos to these girls, I guess.


Wait a minute.

Wait a fucking minute.

Wait a motherfucking minute, Theo. And don't point your finger at me for cursing words.

He replied my text."

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