day 46

586 35 23

"Hey, Theo.

Something fun happened today and I'd like to tell you. But first, promise me — PROMISE ME! — you won't make fun of us (yeah, us) for that. It wasn't a moment of weakness, it wasn't just because we miss each other. Quarantine really affects your brain in certain ways you'd never, not in a million years, think you would ever think it does.

So, it was like three in the afternoon or something like that. I had just finished my lunch — yeah, I was this late, but only because I'm feeling kinda sick since I woke up today. I don't know. A slight fever in my skin, a headache every three or four hours, I don't know. 

Actually, something on my brain makes me believe I caught the COVID-19 disease. But God must have been very furious for me thinking that, because five seconds later, I went straight to the bathroom and threw up most of my lunch into the toilet. It was an ugly scene, I'm glad no one was there to watch it. Mom would either call the ambulance or the cops, because she's that desperate when it's about sick kids and I'm always gonna be her little kid. The one who needs protection.

Well, I'm not gonna be the one to tell her about it.

Anyways, I decided to return to bed and take a rest for my body. I called a doctor, told him about my problems for the day, and although he couldn't visit me at home — not just because of the pandemia all around the world, but because he was busy in another place —, he gave me some advices about how I should take care of myself for the next few days. Basically, I have to avoid leaving home, take quick naps during the day, stuff like that. It's gonna be hard because I live alone in here and I have to take care of everything? Yeah. But I can try.

That's when he called.

I was nervous. Since we started talking again, he didn't call me this early. Three in the afternoon?

"Hey, what's up?" He said, with a grin in his face.

"Nothing is up here, mate."

"What happened?"


"Shit", his eyes suddenly were wide open in the phone screen, "called the doctor?"

"Yeah. He said I should rest."

"Oh", his mouth opened slightly, and I could definitely tell he was saddened by the news.

"Were you planning something with me, Harold?"

"Sort of. But I guess I can do it by myself and make you laugh today."

"Oh, what's inside your little head?"

"My head is bigger than yours!" He screamed in a fun tone, making me laugh for the first time in the day. "Let me do my job."

"And what are you gonna do?"

"Entertain you."

The next fifteen minutes were dedicated to, basically, Harry Styles in person dancing to random songs — such as Adore You by himself, 7 rings by Ariana Grande and even Harlem Shake — using a broom as his "dance partner". I tried to contain some laughs, but everybody who knows Harry also knows it's impossible to remain serious when he's giving his soul to make you have some fun.

I remember the countless times we used to dance in the kitchen, with only the refrigerator light giving a sight into whatever we were doing. He used to put a random song on his phone, then he would offer his hand and say "would you mind if we dance a little, mister Horan?" to me.

(Literally. He used to say, literally, those words.)

And the rest I guess you can imagine in your head. Glory days, Theo.

Glory days."

the quarantine diaries | Narry Storan AUWhere stories live. Discover now