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Hey, y'all. 

If you heard some stories around Wattpad being cloned into a foreign website where all of our stories are being posted without our autorization, it's true. If your heard stories about this website (called Truyen or something like that) stealing data from your digital devices once you access it for the first time, it's true. Wattpad is trying its best to remove all of our works from this clandestine place, but it's being difficult for them, so we have to warn you.

If you see my stories being posted there, DO NOT ENTER THE WEBSITE. It's dangerous for you, and it's disappointing for me to see my entire work there, too. I'm just warning for everybody's sake. The only place where I've ever posted "the quarantine diaries" is here, on Wattpad. 


Daniel Lobo.

the quarantine diaries | Narry Storan AUWhere stories live. Discover now