day 63, harry's e-mail

558 39 18

"Hey, Niall.

You're probably gonna get mad at me for doing this once you wake up - and I hope you do -, but I called Liam today.

We had a good time. You know, talking about our lives, about his son, about my family, about our careers. I told him that I had heard his LP1 album and he went nuts with this information - he didn't think I would listen to any song of his because the internet did a really mean job in making him believe no one would like that "shitty record". 

That's when I realized that Liam's musical abilities deserve better. He got stuck in a formula because he was told that songs like Strip That Down and Stack It Up would make him become the number-one artist in the world, when obviously that wasn't the case. He's better at the more rhythmic songs he never does, and deep inside him, he's aware of that. Maybe because of you. Liam told me that you helped him through the hard times of his album's campaign, that the only reason why he didn't fall in a depression moment was because he had people who still believed in him.

I felt bad for not standing up for him back in December. Wish I could've done it if I knew it would mean so much to him. But I'm grateful you did it, babe. That's one of the things I love about you, did you know that? When you support your friends, no matter what. You let them know that you're there for them, and I think that's beautiful. You're definitely the best friend anyone could ever have, Niall.

At some point of our call, Liam asked me about your health condition. I told him I didn't know what had happened to you, and then he felt divided between telling me or protecting your family's desire to not reveal everything about how you are right now. He ended up saying you got the COVID-19 disease in such a heavy way that it entered your body without a warning, it lowered down your defenses in a slow speed.

When you were definitely not expecting to, you entered into a coma because your body needed to rest and find strength to battle the coronavirus inside you.

This information almost made me cry the second I heard it. And I guess Liam knew I was devastated too. I didn't even need to tell him, he knew it. He said I could call him whenever I wanted to and he would talk to me about it. Then, he turned it off.

And I fell into tears in my bedroom. The door was locked, no one would come and see me crying because I feel like I'm very close of losing the only man I truly loved - and I can't do anything about it, anything to save you, because it's only about you and your health and I can't heal you with my love.

I wish I could.

You better wake up soon, Ni. You have to.

Love, H."

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