day 56, harry's messages

621 41 29

One week.

And still no word from you.

They can't tell me how you've been, your family refuses to tell me anything, too.

What did you tell them to make them hate me if you were the one who broke up with me?

Anyways, I'm not mad because of that.

You probably had your reasons.

But I'm worried. I want you to get better.

Get better, Niall. You have to.

I can't imagine a world without your smile, your jokes and your beautiful, perfectly done Irish accent.

I can't imagine a world where you're not playing your guitar, singing Black And White for someone in the crowd of your shows.

I can't imagine a world where there's no Niall Horan to entertain us.

I can't imagine a world where there's no Niall Horan.

I tried to not send you any kind of messages for a week, just to see if you would be better by yourself.

But you didn't. Still in a coma.

Still far away from me.

I wish I was there for you.

Ever since you texted me in the beginning of the quarantine...

...I feel like I was less lonely then.

When you used to bother me with non sense things to talk about.

When I used to bother you for the same reasons.

I miss talking to you.

I miss the FaceTimes with you.

I miss you.

If I had a fucking pair of wings, I swear I'd go see you right now.

And I would try to make you feel better even if you're in a deep spell.

I know you're still sleeping now. But, please, wake up.

I know you love to sleep, but that was enough. No more sleeping like this, okay?

I want you back.

I've never been more desperate to have you in my arms again like this.

I hate coronavirus.

I hate America.

I hate the world for not respecting the lockdown.

I hate everything that's happening now.

I hate that I have to promote a new music video on the next few days because I'm totally not in the mood for it.

I just wanted to be with you, Niall.



Come back.

I think I'll text you more often, starting now.

It's gonna be like I'm pretending to talk to you, and you'll pretend you're listening.

Just like we used to do in the first months of our relationship. Do you remember?

I used to tap your shoulder to make you pay attention to me because all you wanted to do was sleep.

But it's enough. Wake up.

Get better.

I'm asking, Niall.

I love you.


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