Chapter 2

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Selene was smart, she knew it too. But she was also a great secret keeper. She knew exactly who Sutton Mallory was. She was a Nott. And holding the book "pure blood directory" tightly to her chest, proved it. The book was enchanted to magically update every time a new child was born into one of the Sacred Twenty-eights family. And underneath Emerson Mallory (nee-Greengrass) was Sutton Mallory. And if you went to Nott section, which contained the rumored author of the book, and his twin brother Moue Nott with a small cross next to his name but a branch directly under it that said Sutton Mallory.  Holding the book close, she weighed her options.

On the one hand, if she revealed the information to her idiot twin and his friends it would make way back to Sutton almost immediately. As a bastard child, a bastard pure blood. She'd be disrupting the life of a girl who's only known happiness away from their twisted family ways.

But on the other, she'd never seen Regulus so interested in a girl. And she only wished to see him happy. He was one of the few kind to her. As many Slytherins weren't interested in her or what she had to say.

Sighing, she ripped out the two pages. Tucking them into her bag and tossing the book into the dulling green fire. She slowly started up the stairs into the girls dorm. Selene knew what she was doing. Best tell the girl than let her find out through rumors.

Selene wasn't trying to be cruel. Which is why her fingers twitched and her stomach churned as she duplicated the pages. Stuffing two in an envelope and the other into her bag. But something in her was begging her to keep it to herself. I'll send them tomorrow, after I tell Regulus. Selene reasoned with herself.

Though when the morning came, Selene couldn't force the words from her throat. She couldn't explain to herself why she couldn't just say the damned words. Why she couldn't shatter the girl's existence. This girl who didn't even matter to Selene, yet Selene couldn't find it in her to crush her. Instead she'd just subtly jibe at Regulus for his childish crush that he couldn't even find.

She wasn't wrong either. Regulus spent most of the day looking for her in classes. But the girl with black hair and amber eyes seemed to disappear. He didn't see her in ancient runes, alchemy, astronomy, charms, or history of magic. All the classes that his friends had claimed she was in.

It was exhausting her. Hiding from Regulus because now she knew he was looking for her. She had to keep herself from turning pink every time his eyes would scan over hers, looking for a glimpse of her amber eyes. She'd gotten used to changing into a shorter, tanner girl with long pin-straight auburn hair and green eyes. Her heart was racing as she locked eyes with him once again. Somehow his eyes seemed to linger on her just a bit longer. "You do realize once a teacher calls on you that you're screwed right?" Devlin grinned at Sutton's game of hide and seek.

"Yeah, but I'm lucky, they usually ignore my existence." Sutton beamed back.

"Cause they never know who they're looking for." Devlin tutted, "When was the last time you were actually you."

Sutton sighed, "The other day, I was fairly close to me."

And with that she allowed her changes to melt away and reveal the beach like curls that sprouted to just below her breast, a rich chocolate brown color. And her eyes the everlasting amber. Pouting her pink lips, she asked, "Is that better?"

Devlin smirked and nodded. "Much, try to last the day as you. You're gorgeous as you."

Her hair tinted red and she raised a brow. Her head tilting to the side, "When am I not gorgeous?"

"When you transformed yourself into Lily Evans to help her go study with Snape." Devlin snorted.

That was a rough one, after being cornered and begged by the girl a year ago to help her escape from James Potter's harassment to study for an hour, Sutton had agreed. She even managed to mimic Lily's voice perfectly. Sutton chuckled. She could remember how shocked he looked when Lily and Severus had walked into the great hall together while he was pestering her. She had shifted quickly into a different girl and sprinted from the scene that day. Shaking her head, she suggested they'd head to charms. Flitwick could be rather harsh on his house.

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