Chapter 2

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I rolled my eyes for what seemed like the tenth time and it had only been fifteen minutes.

Our new VP was set to begin his position at our company on Monday, and I somehow managed to be nominated and chosen to be his personal assistant to help him get acclimated and make a smooth transition.

That immediately meant that I had to cancel at least three appearances this weekend alone and there were several more pending throughout the week. Who has time to party with such a huge up coming babysitting project getting dropped in my lap all of a sudden?

"Are you sure that Janet can't do it?" I asked interrupting my manager for the third time already, an act that garnered stares and gasps.

"No, she can't Gabe, and if you ask again, I won't have a choice but to give it to her." I perked up at that, the question ready to come out again. "And I will have to give it to her because you will no longer be employed here." Jonathan said without missing a beat.

I promptly closed my month and reassumed my previous expressions of exasperation and brooding. I heard a snicker to my right. It was Brian, whose friendship license had just been revoked due to the fact that he practically knocked me over when he jumped at the chance to go down to NYC for the Met Gala in a couple of months. An event that I have only been waiting my entire life to go to! He doesn't know it yet, but he going down.

"So, is everyone clear on what your new assignments are?" Jonathan asked. It was a rhetorical question, of coarse. The man rarely repeated himself. In this fast-paced world of the entertainment industry, one rarely, if ever got a second time to get it. "Good. See you Monday." He walked out leaving us alone in the room.

The fact that I was able to make him repeat himself twice spoke volumes.

"I can't believe you are still employed here." Janet said over my shoulder.

She had been sitting down at the opposite end of the table from me occasionally sending me the evil eye once Jonathan announced that I would be the one to assist the new VP. I got the feeling that she was the one that wanted the assignment. Jonathan probably knew that as well.

"What can I say? Deep down inside, Jonathan loves me." I said with a smile, and then pretended to blow my own head off.

"You are so lucky!" She exclaimed falling into step beside me. "When I heard that they wanted one of us to help him with his transition, I basically camped out in Jonathan's office. He is such an awesome individual, I met him for literally a few seconds back when he interviewed."

"How can you be so taken with him when you only saw him for "literally" a few seconds? Never mind, I forgot whom I was speaking to." I said laughing. Well, I will tell you this. The first opportunity I get, I will pawn him off on you." We arrived at my desk. I just needed to collect my bag so that I could head down to the café. "Did you bring lunch today?"

"You mean it? I am going to hold you to that!" Janet said as enveloped me in a bear hug. "I brought lunch today. Gotta get in shape for the new VP!" She told me with the biggest grin ever.

All I could do was laugh. It seemed like every week she was excited over some guy. "All right Missy, I will see you when I get back."

"Okay, why don't you join me at my desk when you get back. We can go over a few things and you can help me organize the event calendar. You do such a great job with it, I don't want Jonathan to get mad at me so soon." She said with a laugh.

"Yeah, I can hear him now: "This isn't how Gabe would do it." I will come over and help you. Tell Brian too, because I believe that he will be the one going to the event for me on Monday and there are somethings that he needs to know about in regard to handling the event staff at the venue. There are also a few things that I will need to talk with you about since you are going to Larson's event this evening.

"Oh yeah! I don't know how you can work so closely with him and not be in love, the man is hot!" She giggled like a teenager.

I roll my eyes at this because she thinks almost every guy we come across in this business is "hot". I tell her that while Garren is a handsome guy, he just isn't my type although I get the feeling that he wishes there was more to us, but I think of him as an older brother.

I was in line when I received a text message, my rendezvous plans. It looked as if Mr. Odinson would be coming just after 5 in the evening tomorrow and I would have to meet him at the airport and then over dinner, get him up to speed so that Monday can start off with as few bumps as possible. Well that is just great!I thought as my frustration once again mounted. Speaking of which, I opened a message to my social BFF Greg.

"Hey! You have probably heard already, but there has been a huge change in plans. I won't be able to make the premier party tonight."

Before I could even put my phone in my bag, there was a reply. The man was forever on his phone.

"What?????! I didn't hear anything! What happened?"

"I am being punished with a babysitting assignment. Our new VP is starting on Monday and I am the chosen one to coddle him until he is big enough to fly on his own. So that means I will be out of the party scene for at least three weeks. I am so pissed."

An eye rolling emoji:"Garren isn't going to like that, he has already rescheduled for you twice."

I paid for my lunch at the counter then moved off to the side until my number was called. "I know,"I texted back. "Janet is coming in my place. Tell him to take it up with Jonathan."

"Janet?? Shit, you know how she is around him, LOL, he's gonna have a heart attack. Well keep me posted on your demotion; I need to get back to his highness. LOL Talk to you soon!"

I laughed at Greg's pet name for his latest assignment. The man is ridiculous, but I did have him to thank for my awesome wardrobe. He is an artistic genius when it comes to design and fashion. As far as Garren was concerned, he just might have a heart attack when Janet walks through that door instead of me. I guess I can expect an angry text and or phone call around 10pm tonight.

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