Chapter 14

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We finished the rest of our meeting in silence and when it was time for us to say goodbye to each other, he followed me curiously after I turned down his offer of a ride home.

"When did you get a car?" He asked looking at me, a hint of surprise in his voice.

"A few days ago, it was a long time coming considering I never bothered getting my learners permit after high school. It was becoming more and more difficult to keep up with commitments and meetings. Also, this is way more cost effective than taxis and Uber." I said indicating my Hyundai. "I think in the past three months alone I could have partially paid off this car with all the money used for transportation. "

"It's nice."

"I know it isn't as fancy as yours, but it meets my needs." I say with a laugh. When he smiled, I suddenly felt better. Maybe it would be possible to keep our friendship after all? It would be difficult, I reasoned, we would just have to take it week by week.

I reach for my door handle, pulling it to open the door, but a hand shoots out pushing it closed. A bit surprised, I jump slightly turning to look up into the eyes of the hand's owner. "What is it?" I ask fighting hard against the way his gaze is making me feel.

It looked as if there was a serious internal debate going on within his mind. A whirlwind of emotions seemed to be wreaking havoc behind his eyes with a few of them making it to his face. "Do you have to go now?" He blurted suddenly. "I mean, would you like to take a walk with me? The weather is finally nice enough."

My eyes narrowed ever so slightly as I wondered where this was going. "I think I have some free time. Ian is working late today."

"Then take a walk with me."

"Sure." I pushed the button on my key fob relocking the door. I noticed he looked a little taken aback, like he wasn't expecting me to say yes. "What?"

"I didn't think that you would." He said grinning widely confirming my thoughts.

"Well, I never could say no to you. Let's go-" I stopped short when I realize what I said and I start walking. "You didn't hear that." I said over my shoulder as I walked away.

"Really?" He asked with a hint of smugness in his voice, it seemed the old Kai was back. He jogged after me catching up easily. "That is interesting." He said falling in beside me. "Why is that?"

"I don't know, but it has always been like this for me. There is just something about you, something that makes me want to do anything for you. It is like that time you told me that there was something special about me. I feel that it is the same for you. There is something special about you Kai Shin, and it makes the word "No" pretty impossible for me to use. I imagine it is like that for other people as well."

He stuffed his hands into his pant pockets. "I am not so sure about that."

I looked over at him. "Now what makes you say that?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't think Seon-Joo feels that way. Sometimes, it can be like pulling teeth when I need something from her."

"Maybe it is because she has known you for so long. Perhaps your ability to charm her has long since worn off. You need to improve your game." I said smiling, but my attempt at humor only half worked. He smiled, but only with his mouth, it did not quite reach his eyes as it did moments before.

He shrugged as he kicked at something on the sidewalk. "I am not sure. In fact, I haven't been sure about a lot of things these past few months and now I feel as if I am on a path that I have gone too far down on and there is no going back."

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