Chapter VI

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Thea Riel

As they all went to their tasks in the pack and school stuff, I was left again in the house doing some remaining household chores. When I was done, I went up to my room to clean myself since I have to check my emails but speaking of, there was none.

'You have to train at night.'

"I remember." I told my wolf-fox as I lay down on my bed and let the music echo throughout my room.

I was about to drift to my dream realm when there it goes again. Something was really up today like it was about to happen.

"Can you tell me, what's going on?" I asked my wolf-fox through my thoughts.

'Use what you've learned from your training.'

"Why can't you just tell me?" I asked sarcastically.

'How can I when you can't even tell what's wrong?'

"Fine. explain it to me when I guest it right." I groaned to her counter.

'I will just train your senses.'

I sighed then let my senses heightened since I have these disturbing feelings that might endanger everyone in the pack.

As I let my senses out, I can see the nature in the woods and those living creatures like the perimeter runner of the pack but looking deeply, something was different. I saw a shadow with red veins tattooed over it and when I tried to look at its face, my head began to ache.

"Seriously, who was that?" I asked while panting and massaging my head from that headache.

'I don't know but it was just watching us.'

"Us or the pack?" I asked what she meant by that.

'Just us in particular. It was like waiting for us.'

"Woah, that's creepy." I sighed dismissively.

'What are you human? Seriously, you need to accept that there are creatures like that out there.'

"Right but...why me - us?" I wondered as I lay down again on my bed.

'I don't know either.'

I sighed and closed my eyes since I don't want to be bothered by it again yet, something was definitely familiar with those tattoos.

'You came again.'

"Woah, I never realized that I'm dreaming already." I almost jumped from hearing Xan's voice.

'Well maybe you're like me. Dream walker.'

"Neh, I couldn't do that, maybe your exception." I said it but turned out to sound like a flirt since I can feel some heat coming from where she was.

"Ahm, can I see you?" I asked since I really wanted to see her.

'How? You're blind, remember.'

"I know but can I at least touch you, so I can freely picture your face." I pleaded that made her chuckled and I can tell that I am pouting from those giggles.

I didn't hear anything that made me worried about what just happened to her or maybe, I'm scared of being alone again in this darkness. But those worries flew away when I felt her hand onto mine then it was being pulled lightly and I felt warm. My hands were being put somewhere and it was definitely warming my heart and it was beating so loud for some odd reason. I might not be able to see her but feeling her really can make my heart overdrive.

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