Chapter XXXII

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Thea Riel

Even though I told my other side to wake me by the 7th of June, we both didn't meet our mate for some reason that I kept to myself. Elpis Wolfox might be pissed over what I did which made our mate make herself really busy to the point of forgetting that I was there with her. I - we have to endure these for awhile since I have to make some preparations. I know she was busy because she has lives to play and I understand that. But this time it's time for me to return the favor for what she did to me.

'I don't know you up to, but make sure it doesn't hurt our mate so much.'

"I can't promise though, I will try my best to make her smile again and feel the love she tried to keep in silence." I told my other side that they couldn't complain anymore especially when I'm focused on making it.

It took me some months to prepare things just for her but something really ticked inside of me like I am losing her for good. I groaned and hurried to finish the last piece for my mate's surprise.

I can definitely feel the urges from her on search to where I am but I did some illusion that I've learned from those ashes resting inside of me. It was like there's some force field that my mate couldn't see even though we're just an inch apart. I don't want her to find me just yet not until I finished something in her room. But when I heard her plead to the Goddess, I couldn't help it anymore. My heart aches whenever she's down or in any emotions that could bring her fall. I took a deep breath and let my energy fly to where she was then let my presence be felt by her. It hurts seeing her like this but it was also making me smile. I wrapped my arms around her and sent my love through this embrace. I knew she felt them so I went back to finish my surprise.

Few moments later she came back inside her room and she was frozen to her ground when she saw tons of peach tulips all over her room. She was in awe and when she looked at her bed, she saw a bouquet of peach tulips, a chocolate and cartoon character named Stitch but that's not all. She also noticed a bluish-white iris flower with a letter.


I was shocked to what i'm seeing and its making me feel so warm to the point of making me cry. Everywhere I turn my favorite peach tulips were there and some petals where also scattered on the floor till my eyes landed on my bed. I looked at every stuff on my bed and there are my favorites but something caught my attention; a bluish-white iris and a letter.

To my beloved queen,

I would love to be there whenever you are down or losing what I've lost before I met you. This time I will return every piece of hope and love that you gave to me. Its for me to showered you by it.

You know I love you as I could see my step to reach my everything with you. I love you, my beloved muse.

Your mate,

Thea Riel


Oh, my favorite flower means a message and that message is turned around.

I did what the letter stated and I saw my mate standing there while smiling at me. She was so full of joy on seeing me and its making me smile as well. She went closer to me before I could even got a chance to run to her. She even entwined her finger tips onto mine and I don't know why I'm feeling something I never felt before - nervous.

"My heart and everything, want and need to be at peace. With you I am secure and relaxed..." Riel began to speak as she took our entwined hands onto her chest.

I can definitely feel her heart beating but what surprised me was her kneeling in front of me since I am sitting on the edge of my bed.

" tons of our one day, be with me till there's nothing left of me, my beloved queen Nixan Redbrid." Riel continued that my heart began to echo to my ears because of its hard beating.

"Yes." I managed to reply which made her look like if she's hearing right.

"Yes, Riel. It's a yes.'' I made clear to her which made her stand up and kissed my lips.

Our kisses were deep and full of love and I can't ask for more, just her with me was enough yet I know somewhere along the way it might not be enough. I don't want to be selfish but I hope for the better for our lives.

"Xan, we will be alright. Have faith with our love and hope for our future, okay?" Riel told me before she kissed my forehead.

I really love whenever she's full of positiveness and hope. She's making me feel that I can make something great as I felt it too.

"Shall we head downstairs?" Riel told which cut me from my thoughts.

"Did you prepare dinner?" I asked which made her think before grinning at me. I felt a bit nervous not because she's grinning but in my kitchen. I don't want anything to happen to my lovely kitchen.

"You didn't do anything there right?" I asked her with a nervous tone in my voice which made her laugh.

"You'll see..." she just said, seriously it's making me even more nervous. I love my kitchen as I love to cook whenever I find some time to cook.

Thea Riel

It's funny how she reacts about me taking charge in her kitchen. She thinks that I don't know how to cook but well, she never saw me do one that's why here.

"I made that through your kitchen." I told her as we passed through the dinning and went to the porch. I set up our dinner there.

"Do you like it?" I asked since she's not saying anything at all.

"Of course. I love it." Nixan finally responded with a bone crushing hug of hers. I love it when she's happy.

Who wouldn't like that for their fiance? Anyway we both start digging our dinner which I just experimented and taste good. As for dessert, I prepared chocolate brownies since she loves chocolates.

After our dinner, we both fixed our plates and clean up before I take her to lounge at her entertainment room that she rarely use. Well speaking of that I cleaned them up because it was too dusty when I checked this room. Well, as we cuddle while watching a romantic movie 50 First Date before watching a Korean comedy drama What's Wrong With Secretary Kim. We can't help but to watch it straight while we ate popcorn. When our movie and series marathon, we went back to her room and I don't know what came to me but I just pulled her closer then hugged her tight.

I miss her so much.

"Muse...I miss you." I told her as I meant it which made her hold my arms that were wrapped around her.

"I miss you too, Musey." Nixan replied before facing me.

She's being cute. But I think I should take it back when she pinches my nose. Well, she likes to do that to me anyway; can't argue with that.

"I love you." She told me while looking straight into my eyes like she's looking deeply within my soul.

I was stunned when I heard that which made my heart melt since I've been waiting for that time that she would finally say them to me.

"I love you too." I replied as she pulled into another hug since I can't stop from crying. I miss this. I miss her so much.

After that night we made an announcement to the pack which earned us whistles and claps. They were excited as they congratulated us which also made us a bit embarrassed but we just enjoyed the happiness around us. The following days, everyone in the pack helped us prepare for our wedding which I planned for another surprise. Well, I already got that date covered and she was the only one who didn't know about it. I hate when I'm hiding something from her but I have to or there won't be any surprise anymore. Then the day came as we exchanged our vows and crossed our hearts under the eyes of the night Goddess.

"Seriously, Riel what are planning to do now that we're already married?" Nixan innocently asked me which my grin went wide.

"Oh Muse, you shouldn't ask." I whispered to her ears since I've been imagining things doing with her that led me on kissing her neck. It will be awesome and hot the night after this reception. 

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