Chapter XXIII

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I've got a feeling something was about to happen tonight like something was about to get out or so.

"I hope Ceres has not plotting something while I'm not in the pack's perimeter..." I sighed before I took a sip from my hot chocolate since I'm at my office at the human hospital.

This hospital has passed down to me from my human poster parents. They're the one who helped me and taught me about human ways of living. So that's why I am here, working at the human realm but even here Ceres still capable of reaching me.

"She planned what?!" I looked wide-eyed to the email that Ceres sent me.

To your highness,

The keeper of the last survivor ember has been found and must be trained before the union of two become one.

Under the crescent night, be honest and truthful as the keeper trying to open the longing heart. Give faith, hope and trust the keeper if desired of an infinity bond called love.

You're immortal friend,

Celestial Ceres

"That's gonna be tough but she's right...and I hate it when she's right." I groaned since I have to deal with it like it or not but before that, I have to get back to work.

I hope for something better to happen tonight.

Thea Riel

I'm having such an intense sparring with the next in line alpha and that's Alison Marci.

"Not bad." Alison praised me after we kept going on exchanging blows at every defense and counter we made.

"I have to keep up that's why." I told her then I felt some sudden shift in her that made her smirked.

I felt threatened about her aura then she began to released such malice that can kill everything it touched.

'Thea, don't waver to her malice.'

"What do you mean about her malice?" I asked as we tried to dodged her attacks since her malice wrapped around them.

'If you do, you'll die in instant...'

"Die..." I echoed what she told me and it made me think that its not bad to die because of what just I've been carrying inside my heart.


I know my other side was mad about the way I think but its what I felt. I'd rather die since I couldn't bear them anymore even though I'm the one who cause of it. I am the reason of my own fall. I have no reason to live.


"Her heart? Why?" I snapped from my deep thought from what my other side told me.

'She's your mate and you're her keeper.'

I was speechless since I am thinking who and why until My saviour face flashes along with my Xan - I mean, Nixan Redbird sad face. I don't like it.

"I don't want to see her cry." I mumbled to myself as I came back to my senses, I caught Alison's right hand.

Even without seeing, I can feel that she was stunned by it and she's immediately stepped further away from me. I can feel the fear radiating from her that made her immediately shifted to her full wolf form. She roared that alerted everyone but I can tell her parents stopped them.

I was just standing still and she's there uneasy. I don't know what she's seeing but I can feel the need to devour anything that can or might cause Nixan's sadness.

"Elpis." A familiar voice for my wolf-fox said that me - I mean, us made sniffed the air.

As we snifffed the whole town in just one go, we finally located where it was coming from. Just like a simple snap of a finger, I was already standing in front of a very particular person among the crowd.

She's not someone I knew but something within her was very familiar to me. Her presence reminded me of someone from my younger days; my mother. When she gave me a respectful bow, everyone began to murmur that even I, couldn't even explained what was happening.

"Name." I suddenly said with the mixed voice from my wolf-fox.

That so great. My wolf-fox side took over my body though she let me see what was happening through her sight.

"Elaine, mother of Eunice and wife of Krishna." She introduced herself to me.

"You're awakened and chosen one. Tell me, are there others who survived our clan?" I asked while watching her carefully like I was reading her.

"I am afraid we're the only one left." Elaine sadly told me.

"I see. Elaine, I have a favor to ask." I said that made me a bit confused.

"Anything." Elaine said with such loyalty in her tone and I don't get it why.

"Train what needs to be trained to a newbie through our way. True strength won't be able to wake up till the breaking of bones are all done. Chains must be loosen up to be useful, then changes to reveal what lies behind 'her' mask." I said with such puzzled statement even I couldn't understand them immediately.

"I understand, but you should tell that to the immortal ones." Elaine told us with such respectful tone that seriously making me confused.

"Done already. So, Celestial, did you mail her already?" I respond to Elaine before turning to ask Ceres.

"Yes. It's already begun, Elpis." Ceres replied to me. Seriously, I'm getting a bit confused over this kind of conversation whenever my wolf-fox took over my body.

"Prepare everything necessary since once the ember begins to bring flame, they will be alerted as well. Beware about that Celestial." I reminded Ceres who just grinning like a sinister cat.

"I already got them from the Goddess. So just worry of getting her strong." Ceres chuckled before pointing to me and I get what she meant by the last part.

"Finally, I understand even if it was just the last part." I sighed before I started to feel a bit tipsy - I mean, dizzy from that sudden conversation. It seems that they were the only one who understood what they were really talking about.

Just like that, I regained my control over my body but I suddenly collapsed then I vaguely heard a notification bell from my phone in my pocket. 

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