Chapter XI

40 3 0

Thea Riel

I took some breath before proceeding on telling some of my pain that I've been carrying for a long time.

"I did? Well, I don't quite remember much but all I can say is that, I felt that I couldn't move from where I am even if I wanted to. It was like something in me gave up or just didn't find anything to hold on to. I just stayed on my fucking ground to some point I only ended up on having some envy or jealousy issues running inside my mind. From some of it, I even ended up of fucking faking some of my feelings just to covered what pains me. But hell yeah, no one ever noticed that I am having them build up inside of me. I might forget them from some quite times but when they got the best out of me, they came rushing and crashing me in one blow." I sarcastically told her as I tried not to show how much it pains me recalling them even now. It was still hurting me. It was still fresh in my heart and in my mind.

"And with that can never find a way to stand up again. All you could do was to cry your heart out and never let anyone enter or see what I hid inside." I sadly continued that made some tears fall out from my left eye.

After stating them sarcastically just to make them light - well, for me, I heard no response but the look she gave straight to me making my heart skip a beat. She just looked at me and without noticing or controlling my emotions, I am crying. As I cried in my astral projection, my unconscious body did as well. Dr Redbird went closer to me and caressed my face that for some reason I felt her care as well as comfort.

"I might not be very good on saying what hurts me as well but whenever you need someone like me to aid you, I will." Dr Redbird sincerely told me as she wiped some tears from my face.

I don't get why but I kinda like the feeling whenever she touches me. It's making me need it around me.

"You will stay?" I asked like I feared that she won't be true to her words. Well, what do you expect to a broken self.

"I will even you don't ask me to. I choose to stay." D Redbird frimly told me that it really sounded familiar to me.

I was a bit speechless at first but I nodded.

"I hope so." I whispered and she smiled like she's been challenged and she's willing to take them for me.

"Better to wake up soon." She told me as some glimpsed from that incident popped into my mind like it was telling me something but I couldn't remember entirely what really happened there.

When she left me all to myself in this hospital room, I was in my deep thought since I wondered how Dr Redbird calmed my pain inside my heart. It was like she knew the right word to say to someone like me.

"Someone like me..." I whispered like I compared myself again to someone that didn't even exist maybe? Whatever.

"But the way she looked at me...there was so much care and..." I tried to analyze the way Dr Redbird looked at me when she said those words.


"" I mumbled that made me cover my whole face with my hands since I don't want to be hurt. Especially, I don't want to hurt her.

I was trying to calm my mind from thinking a lot of things. it's making my heart sting in pain but something really caught me from thinking deeply from my thoughts. There was this kind of scent of iris flower with bittersweet chocolate mint with a taint of something else that I couldn't speak of. I wondered what exactly was it since it's clouding my head too much and making me to have this urge to wake up soon. I want to locate where it was coming from or whoever owns them and since I can't because of my numbness, I disturbed my other self. My wolf-fox.

"WOLFOX!" I screamed inside my head.

'Grumpy much?'

"Like she wasn't. Anyway, did you know who owns it?" I asked her but she just groaned and looked at me like 'seriously' then went back to sleep.

"Seriously, you have the eyes and I don't. Plus, your senses were much higher than mine." I kept on ranting at her since I don't want her to sleep again, just yet.

'Argh! Fine. It belongs to the girl who saved us from dying. Happy now? I have to sleep since I'm the one who took lots of damage from those filthy rogues.'

"I see... Okay, sleep well since I have to focus as well on waking up to search for our savior." I told her that she looked back at me and nudged her head to mine.

'Good luck but also be careful when you wake up. I won't be able to help you out there.'

"Don't worry. Just take your time to rest. I will do mine as well." I told her then she went back to her recovery state.

I went back to my own state of mind calmly like not I used to do but instead, I relaxed everything in me. I let my numbness cloak me this time and not be bothered for being asleep for three days that might turn into fourth tomorrow. I relaxed my whole body and mind even letting my senses calm as I can. Then afterwards, I focus on one thing, recovery - fast recovery to be exact

I concentrated all of my energy into one point, my heart then as I centering my whole self into one point, I started to feel everything. I can sense the fluids coming from the dextrose plugged on me then to the flowers on my bedside table. I smirked on how I can locate them just by centering myself then, the next step was letting me feel everything not just around me but everything else. Just feeling everything, the next thing happened was feeling and seeing the flow moving whether it was on the living things or not. They were a clear flow of light with different shades of colors. There were like rainbows to my sight then slowly, every piece from it began to move into one particular direction, mine. It passed through my whole body and even let it roam inside of me to the point of healing my internal wounds. They were like it was stitching the internal wounds very fast that made my heart rate increase. With that sound, I heard running footsteps toward where I am.

"This is bad." Masculine but a bit raspy voice said and immediately called someone before checking my condition. I can guess that it was the nurse or another doctor.

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