Chapter XXIX

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I knew I was getting too deep from these sudden attacks from my past that I knew eventually will come after me. I just never anticipated it would be when I found my mate. Speaking of her, I can feel her sadness but at the same time her strong will. I don't understand it well but something inside of me was being pulled from being too deep and its burning me. My ring finger began to burst into flame and cloaked me together with my soothing night smoke. They were being tamed and as I got pulled out I saw a strong wolf-fox holding me so protectively. My mate was stunning but something was different.

"You're not...where's Riel?!" I noticed which made me a bit panicked since I don't like what running inside my thoughts.

'Giving you what you've lost.'

"Lost? I didn't -!" I was about to counter when I realized what I've lost in such distance memories.

"" I can't believe what I am feeling and realizing what this wolf-fox was telling me.

"Tell me where she is?!" I demanded that the wolf-fox looked straight and there I saw Riel holding those ashes around her.

They were swirling around her not too violently but I can tell that they were fighting until it became peaceful. I can see those ashes began to enter her which making me frightened and almost run to her but the wolf-fox held me with its tails.

'You can't. She's doing this for you.'

"She doesn't have to. I don't want to see her hurt nor suffer." I told the wolf-fox which exactly Ceres and the other packs came into the picture.

'She chose to help you carry them. She's your mate, your girlfriend. If these ashes will stop you from being in love with her, then why did the Goddess put you in love with her in the first place?'

I can find any words to counter this wolf-fox instead I just watched Riel taking all of darkness from me within her; my long and painful past.

'Riel kept your words to her heart that's why she's holding on. You might have fallen out of love from her in some way but she still chose to stay and take them. Those pain of longing because you're in a distance though your with her, she is still with you. You might not feel it entirely but somewhere in you, longs of her as well which is why you're hurting as well.'

"You still love her, that's why you're also in pain. But you chose not to answer because of those bugging pain revolving around you." Ceres continued which made me look painly at her.

"She will wait, that's for sure. Unless, you chose to give up on her." Frizabelle pointed out on me which made me feel more pain until I snapped when I heard Riel's voice in my head.

'I love you, that's why I will help you as long as I can.'

I cried out her name as exactly those ashes swirling and entering her began to subside. I immediately ran to where she was and it was like in the movie with slow movements. It felt like the time stopped between us as she slowly turned to face me as she lost her balance.

Who knows when love begins

Who knows what makes it start

One day its simply there

Alive inside your heart

It slips into your thoughts

In infiltrates your soul

It takes you by surprise

Then seizes full control

As I caught her in my arms those melodies echoed through my ears like its whispering something that I seemed to have forgotten.

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