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Life is meant to be baffling, despite the plans we make. It looks charismatic in facade. The one who is susceptible to every labyrinthine phase of life leads the life as if they had already foreseen everything.

The same thing happened with Tahaniya, however, her age wasn't meant to face the sharp edges. Never have ever in her wildest of dreams she thought that she would be in the room of a hospital for what she has no idea of.

She had hardly slept for 2 hours. Whenever she closes her subtle almond-shaped eyes was always deceived by macabre noise of medical equipments and the medical things stuck on to her abashed body parts which she didn't know what all it were.

She clamoured louder and louder, though she knew that her loved ones are yet to be heard. Louder and louder, she felt as if the moon and stars heard her but still precluded to respond. And this time she couldn't control anymore. She clutches her fists, endeavours to get from the disease smelling bed. She felt monotonous looking at the faded blue coloured patients uniform she wore. The beep sound of ECG machine, which lied right to her bed made her vibe more worst.

The giant window, 4 step right to her, made her wrenched heart to heal. When she felt that the stars are looking at her, responding to her silently when none did, that almost brought her infinity love.

For her, the room looked like a hall, maybe because it is her first time. She noticed every peek of the room. A sumptuous cupboard left to the washroom. A cosy L shaped sofa which lied near to the fascinating giant window. A rectangular table as near as her hands can get it, a coffee maker on it.

But wait, I failed to notice one thing, a single significant thing! 

Why I'm even here? 

What had happened to me? 

I don't belong here. Where are my parents? 

What the hell is happening?

Trillions of such questions ran through her mind, which she couldn't answer to, exaggerated her apathetic condition. She recalled and recalled. She looked at the splendid full moon which she felt like epitome of love, to recall more things crystal. But nothing seemed to be efficacious enough to shift distraughtness.

The more she thought, the more wrenched she became. She noticed a switch, for the patient, an alarm to doctors. She persistently held it. She could even hear the alarm ringing at the reception point. She doubted human existence as none came since she woke up.

In a round of 5 minutes, she saw a couple of doctors, who came rushing towards her. "Hey...Tahanniya! When did you wake up? How do you feel now? ". A decent looking male doctor said

."Fine" Tahanniya just mumbled with a soft tone which felt cheesy to hear.

" I know you are doing great, Tahanniya. After taking a mild injection, you will be having your dinner. My dear", the female doctor seemed to be more caring and had seductive smile and eyes.

"well... I forgot the introduction ...myself Dr.Afa Rahel and he is Abraham Mathew, we are your angels to heal you "  said with that same seductive splendid smiles.

Tahanniya replied with a wreaked smile.

"well...you rang the bell, right?  

"what can I help you with ?'' said Abraham who more looked like a college professor than a doctor.

I want to ask them why I'm here?

I want to scream at them, I don't belong here.

where are my parents?

why my body part are fractured?

why the hell I'm in this freaking hospital?

But she didn't instead,

"how long have I've been here? " Tahanniya had the tone of a girl who almost got fed up of sobbing . she felt like a fool.

"well...for 10 hours" Dr Afa replied by patting at her shoulder like a caressing grandmother.

"Doctorrr....!..." she screamed when the doctors were about to propel towards exit. They turned back and wooshed towards her

"What happened dear ?''. 'dear', Afa's tone would melt anybody's heart.

"Why I'm here? where are my parents?" 

it must be the foolest question to ask. 

she might have sounded like a mutt.

But still, she managed to ask.

Dr Afa and Abraham looked at each other sharing perplexing nods.

"well...we, doctors should not stress out the patient. but apart from everything, you don't seem like a meek teenage girl so......uhh..."

before she could finish it, Tahaanniya almost clamoured at the highest of peak.  

" telllll meee!!!!!"

"calm down baby, I will...tell you"

Both the doctors almost got vexed. they adjusted the bed and made her sit.

"Sorry...doctor.I don't really meant to...sorry. I just got frustrated. I don't know what's happening around me" by then eye droplets had already travelled through her chubby cheeks.

Afa wiped her tears and replied,

"it's okay...you don't have to be sorry about it"

" Doctor, why I'm here?"

"aah..its..because of...you"

when Afa was replying Abraham was still looking at Tahanniya's wet eyes.

"what? me? ah?"

why should I be in the hospital?

I always detested being a patient.

In the hospital? because of me?


Dr Abraham interpreted by looking at the floor as he wasn't as courageous enough to have a look at that scarlet face of her.

" you tried to attempt self-assassination, fortunately, you failed"

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