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"RA is a loss of memory access to events that occurred or information that was learned in the past.RA can be temporarily graded, or more permanent based on the severity of its case. It can be caused by an injury or the onset of the disease......"

Soon all her googling were about Retrograde Amnesia, she felt clumsy being a patient of RA.

She always tried to recollect things. Every time she did, she felt exhausted as every bit of her past was like a jigsaw puzzle, which forced to be remembered.

It was only 1:30 pm when Dr Afa and Abraham had heard the clamour. They were vexed as they knew the source of the noise.

Doctors like Abraham and Afa, aren't just doctors but beautiful human beings with subtle heart. They never worked for the money, but for that satisfaction, they would get when the patients would leave the hospital super healthy and optimistic.

The time Tahanniya had arrived, harmed, they knew that she hungers for love, care and a companion to hold. So they never made a failure to reach her at the time of needful.

They gaited towards her room 106.

As they got in they saw strange and malign Tahanniya.

She was standing on the bed at full rage. The moment they arrived they made Tahanniya sit and tried to exude her feud.

Tahanniya never detested someone, but the circumstance she was going through was labyrinthine. She was at that stage where she was as rampant as rain.

"Tahanniya calm down...is there anything bothering you ?" Dr Afa had the eyes of a mother, heart of an angel.

"My parents aren't here yet ?" Tahanniya was about to sob.

"See Tahanniya, I told you na, their mobiles are....."

"Doctor I understand that, but the thing is that I can't find my mom's number in my contacts"

"no results found" her phone read.

"Why is that? I don't know what's happening right now but I'm damn sure that something had happened to me,  something!!"

"Tahanniyaa...thats why we shown the reports such that you can deal with those confusions you go through, RA is not permanent, but it takes time to recover, that's it"

Tahanniya gave a sigh of relax as she felt being cared.

"I understand Doctor, but I'm kinda feeling bleak, I've never been this lonely. By the way doctor, have you met Robbie? he used to say that he will be always with me. where is he?"

The perplexed Doctors had nothing to say, yet managed to.


"Yes, Robbie Kenneally" Tahanniya had sparks in her eyes when she said.

"We can call him here if you want to" Dr Abrahan leaned towards her to take the scheduled medicine.

"Tahanniya, I'm gonna repeat that significant things again, you may feel inane, hard to recover, but nothing is permanent, won't you deal with it, my strong girl? and you can call me 'Dhee' as 'doctor' sounds formal" The gales of laughter shifted her awry.

"Sure Dhee at least for you " Dr Afa and Tahanniya hugs each other and was enough to melt the break she had in her subtle heart.

"When the girls of my age are throwing up parties...."

she rechecked the absence of the Doctors and resumed her writing.

"I'm here dealing with my dilemmas

 when they plan their future better, I'm here discovering my unfathomable past,

they are happy at the place they are, and I'm here finding the conundrum that led me here"

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