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"I'm Tahanniya. I've got a call from here", she said despairingly standing in front of the ICU.

"Ah...Isabel's friend, I guess", the lady in front her responded.

"Yes..I'm", her soul was vacant and racing steadily, eyes were moist.

She entered, could detect 'beep, beep sounds; and could sniff uncanny odour which made her devastated. There was a duo of a lady doctor and a male doctor who hovered around Isabel.

"Need a minute with her", she claimed.

"Excuse me mam, who are you?", one of the lady doctors inquired.

"I'm Tahanniya.Her..."

"Isabel's friend", the other rustled.

"I said, need a minute privately with her. Get the hell out of here", she squealed.

The perplexed doctors endeavoured to calm but still, she roared. None can perceive a loss, not in this way at least.

"I'm coming home. There are lot more things I wanna tell you.I'm coming. I will be as lucid as sky today.i'm coming.

"About your parents is the only thing you know, there are a lot more things I wanna confess which you don't know.cause all I want is you to find the past. Only that.I'm sorry"..., there were tunnels on Isabel's nostrils and jaws. The machine beside her mattress always beeped.

"Issa. I came to you. Talk to me.tell me. You wanted to talk to me. Didn't you?. Speak Issa"

"Issa, tell me the truth", Tahanniya shrieked and the doctors came in.

"Mam, we need to you to be calm, mam please", the male doctor said holding her arms.

"Keep calm for what?", her sound was penetrating.

"Enormous quantity of blood was drawn. We tried", sympathy could be seen in her grimace.

"Do you want us to inform anyone?", the male doctor asked and Tahanniya lifted her receiver which shown Eve's and Afa's Number.

Tahanniya relinquished her thumbs through Isabel's face which had bruises and marks. Her temples had cracked the most. Her eyes were shattered bloodshot. Her arms bathed in blood, fingers invisible. Her legs were scratched, almost everywhere.

"Finding my past, Issa. Isn't that you always fancied?", she put her palms on her mouth leapt steadily out to the seat ere ICU. She hit her face hard with the palm. Hither heard towards the wall. She again hit her forehead on the wall.

"Taana, what the hell are you doing?. Stop it.Taana.Please I beg you. Taana, please", Tahanniya was still doing the same.

"Don't you hear me. You need to hear me, Taana. STOP IT", it was Evan who dragged her out towards him.

"What happened?. Why Isabel is at the hospital ?",Evan asked agitated.

Tahaaniya pointed her fingers towards the ICU, where many numbers of attendants got in and left.

"I should have been there," said Afa, arrived the hospital 10 minutes after Evan, whom Tahaaniya presumed would be the most solid but this time she could not hold.

Tahaaniya sat centre on the bench, Afa right to her and Eve.

"Its ain't any one's faults.",Eve whined and was wrenched.

"None. But mine", Tahaaniya whispered.

The doctors asked them to confirm the papers and they fled from the detox at 2 am. None spoke in the hack and wasn't dared to.

When days pass with that euphoria which someone had hungered, and was relishing it. But as a mishap, in a second, all the merriness was gone.

The merriness which promised her the future.The past and the present.

"Her body was pained", Tahaaniya was the one to eradicate the stillness.

"It was said that the cab, she travelled had hit...", Evan was stuttered.

"Hit with what?",Afa was seemed defeated.

Evan conveyed a broken yet strong gaze to Afa.

The three decide to stay up together in the flat.

15 the floor, room no 316B.They took a lift and stairs from the 14th floor.

Evan decided to nap on the sofa and the girls in the bed, but no one rested.

"She loved you Taana and wanted to heal you".both of them were on the couch. When they held that they can't sleep anymore they gaited towards the balcony where they found Evan as well. Tahaaniya rubbed her feet in the purple-coloured velvet mat and made up her seat right to Evan clutching his right hand.

"Can anyone tell me why did she go out at night without Taana?",Afa's eyes were still rosy and dewy.

It was 4 am, and not a better time to answer such crucial inquests.

"After the discharge, I should have paid the visit. The idiot I didn't.".

"Isabel, I'm sorry", this statement by Afa wasn't more resonant as the other one as she magnificently wanted that for Isabel.

"Can anyone tell me why did she go out at night without Taana?",Afa's eyes were still rosy and dewy.

"Anyone?", she asked again after 10 minutes. None answered. Afa sat looking at them and couldn't grasp any reply. As half an hour of muteness between them passed, Afa slept wailing on the balcony.

"She wanted to tell something, to me. The truth", Tahaaniya's tears had fallen off to Evan's palm.

"I'm coming home. There are lot more things I wanna tell you.I'm coming. I will be as lucid as the sky today. I'm coming.

"About your parents is the only thing you know, there are a lot more things I wanna confess which you don't know. Cause all I want is you to find the past. Only that.I'm sorry".Tahaaniya was intensely looking at the stars which still gave her no responses.

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