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All she could do was nod her head sluggishly and return to the team trio. They welcomed her with a mocking smile.

He had already left the place when Afa began speaking:

"Ahem...Ahem...", Afa put her hands on her mouth resisting from the laugh.

Isabel had a wild seductive facade on her face when she said:

"What did he say ?".

"I don't want to you guys to hang on this topic forever. Lemme tell you guys".

"Cause you have to. You are left with no other option", Afa said.

"He said that he feels sorry for me, his name is Evan. He said that he can help me with anything", Tahanniya didn't feel like telling that he had given his number.

"I hope he isn't flirting", Tahanniya added.

"Did he ask your number or other personal information?",Isabel asked most sensitive typo question and Tahanniya was left with no option but to just tell them.

"He has given his number saying he can help me", Tahanniya managed to say. She didn't know whether she was a bad girl accepting line number from a stranger, that too form a handsome boy.

"In that case, I think he is honest. From my point of view, I think he honestly wanna help us".

"Not us, you ", Isabel added.

"It is only because you guys are teenagers. This is how guys flirt and you idiot girls fall in love with some random idiots ", Afa might be right, after all, she is older than them in age as well as in life lessons.

"arrey...doctor..for what some idiot boys had done l it doesn't mean that every boys should be. You haven't seen real and honest boys. That's why".Isabel was damn serious when she threw her sensitive statements.

"I have seen many ...by the way....are you questioning me?",Afa's eyebrows curved, cheeks wrinkled and she stood in front of Isabel.

Amidst, Tahanniya didn't know what to react and how to react but she stood listening to them.

"See ..don't curse the entire generation for what a few idiots are doing. There are still good boys and girls. There are girls flirting too and still, there are matured and real girls too", Isabel made her point clear.

"You misunderstood me completely ..I never cursed the generation. I was just saying that to be aware of traps. We might not know which is a trap and honest ones. We might not. That's my point", she interpreted her perspective using a lot of all hand gestures which hung on the air.

"In Evan's case, I don't think its a trap. He is being genuine ", Isabel said.

Tahanniya could longer hold this conversation go worse.

"Can you guys just hold your mouths?. Don't forget we are standing beside a road. Shut up", Tahanniya yelled at them.

They turned towards her, clamouring up.

"See I get both of your points. We can seek help from him if in need. After all, you guys are with me Nah?, so we can be more conscious when we deal with him and gradually we might understand his honesty or creepy", Age doesn't matter, how long you have been living in the world doesn't matter. But what matters is how you deal with dilemmas intellectually. Tahanniya won this battle.

"You are right", Afa declared.

"Wasted time yelling at each other ", Isabel said wistfully.

"Epiphany hit you late", Tahanniya said as gestured them to walk towards the hospital. After all, that's their location to stay on.

They entered the main gate that's when Afa recollected a thing to say.

"Between all of this, I forgot to say something important".

"Oho..so That Evan is someone whom you know", Isabel muttered.

Tahanniya and Afa looked at her sharing a strong glance which said"shut up or will cut you off" which made Isabel as powerless as a cat.

"Are you stupid or act like it?",Tahanniya's eyes bulged out.

"Afa you continue .whats the thing?".Tahanniya added.

"Your discharge is tomorrow. Since it is been a week".

"Your wounds are healed since it wasn't much critical too. And about RA you will be given medicines.

"And also it isn't permanent. Tomorrow or the other day you will recollect things or you can try recollecting but you should not stress out reminiscing. But it is surprising how you ain't much injured from the fall. I and Abraham talk about this every single day".Afa said shifting to being a doctor from a crazy teenager.

"God saved me. He might want me to strong as mahogany. Maybe he wants me to live a life. But it feels bad, not able to find the reason for being here. Maybe God wants me to forget. Maybe he wants me to, myself, find the past", she said in a single breathe.

The air wasn't much ravishing. Leaves of the trees didn't fall. The sunflower didn't bloom. But still, Tahanniya found peace from infinitesimal things. She felt healed. Healed enough to discover her past.

"It isn't impossible to find but all it says is, it will take its own time", Isabel being mocked by the last statement she said, she managed to sound penetrable.

"Maybe".Afa Said as three of them entered the hospital.

Tahanniya and Isabel got seated in a couch beside the entry gate facing the reception as Afa was negotiating with few doctors and other employees.

Tahanniya moved far way from Isabel managing not to catch her attention on Tahanniya.

She then lurkingly forwarded her hands as she moved towards the end of the couch. She opened the paper which she held in her hands. That piece of paper in which she had his number.



It read.

She scrutinised the paper which led her to be more thoughtful.

Why should a random guy feel like helping me?

I've never met him. But he had given his number as if we did.

What if he is flirting?

But still!

What if he isn't?

After all, I could see frankness in his eyes?

He might have really felt bad for me.

But still, why should he...?

After all, I'm the one who started this and he resumed it keeping me puzzled.

Should I drop a 'Hi' to his number?

Why I'm being stupid?

I shouldn't.

Should I just save the number?

It might help some other time.

She took her phone saved his number 'Evan'.

She continued being more solemn.

Let Isabel and Afa decide whether to do it that too in times of need.

But to look on to Afa's point,

Wouldn't he be trapping?

Won't yaar,

Why should he choose only me when there are plenty of other girls?

Now, I'm being really really stupid.

How can he trap a girl who started a conversation with him interrupting his negotiation with his Mumma?

Calm, Tahanniya.

Tahanniya got up and turned towards Isabel, who was running through newspaper and said :

"I feel like having a coffee. I will be there".Tahanniya pointed towards left where she noticed a board written 'Canteen' on it. She whooshed not letting Isabel give a reply.

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