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The discussion then went up to another half an hour and Isabel was asked to meet Tahanniya. Dr Afa guided her till room 106 and was returned to her cabin.

Isabel was all ready to confront labyrinthine demeanours when she knocked on the door and got in. Undoubtfully, Tahanniya had strange facade which almost asked: "you? who are you?".

"Hey Tahanniya, I'm Isabel".She sat on the chair which was left to Tahanniya's bed.

"Hmm..how do you know me? I mean...i can't rem...".Tahanniya had helplessness in her voice. It cracked. It stammered.

"Calm down. I know everything going on with you.I'm here for you.chill".

Tahanniya was slushed by the magnanimous of Isabel. Though she had no idea exactly who she was still she could feel as if they had known for past decades.

Isabel endeavoured about how they had become friends and those moments together long back.

"Isabel, I still can't recollect who you are, for me, you seem jovial and lucid".Isabel made a vast vibrant smile.

"I believe you, Isabel".She had her diamond droplets engulfing in her almond eyes.

"It's been 3 days since I had opened up my soring heart to somebody".Isabel hugged her tightly and was able to hear her clamouring heartbeat.

And that sufficed Tahanniya to be lucid about her lamentation to Isabel.

"It feels weird. I don't know but I feel like I don't belong here anymore. I just...".Tahanniya had been so valorous till then perceiving the things commanded by the Doctors.

Everything turned out to be rampant. She held her head in Isabel's shoulder and sobbed her heart out. Isabel carefully patted at her right shoulder and made her drink a glass of water thinking it would make her feel good.

And it did. Her subtle hands touched the inner layer of Tahanniya's vast heart.

Maybe that's why the world says, 'girls know the girls at the fullest'.

"See Isabel, I've been trying to find the cause of all this.I've read all my previous messages hoping it would get any hint. But nothing worked as I thought it to be.

"As you said about our partition after our papers there is no way you could know anything".

"Let this all hospital procedures finish. Since I'm with you we will be finding everything".Isabel always had convincing replies for Tahanniya.

"As far as I've searched I got no hint proving myself a suicidal.I've even started hating the word 'suicide'".But still, she resumed.

"Let it all be...all I want is healthy and enthusiastic Tahanniya".

"My past lead me here and the present demands me to discover my past denouncing it would help my future".Tahanniya was so lost in her thoughts.

Isabel nodded optimistically as she had no way to strife.

"Heeeyyyy...Isaaabell.Aaaandd yaass".She almost shouted as if she found something worth millions.

"What? why are you this noisy?".

"Isabel,168".Tahanniya had that happiness which a child would have when they make up their homework first.

"168?", Isabel said perplexed.


"As I told you that I've been discovering. I found this strange number 168 to be everywhere in the snaps I had taken a time ago".

"What are you trying to say?".

Tahanniya took her phone, opened photos in which she had an album named '168'.All the snaps under it had '168' written on it.

She then showed her Instagram highlights, one of it had named '168'.

She then opened notes which too had a folder named '168' and which was blank.

Many more like that,168.

"So strange", Isabel said.

"Yes, but I'm sure that this is something related to my past".

"But why '168'?".

"Do you remember me specifying about 168 anytime?".

"Nah, Tahanniya.I don't remember anything like that".

"Why 168? who 168? when 168?".

Isabel fell into gales of laughter hearing Tahanniya shouting.

"What? why are you laughing? I'm damn serious man".

"No Tahanniya you sounded like our nerd dean", she said, "anyways you continue".

She then made a commanding glance at Isabel.

"168 is strange but something related".

"I can't believe this. See Tahanniya, how can a number be related to someone's life or can change their past?. Isn't it utter foolishness?".

"The thing is a number cannot do all those things, but here 168 did".Tahanniya was preoccupied in her world.

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