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"Doctor it seems like RA is severe in her case. Her parents met with an accident when she was 15"

"Did she ask about the parents or is that you.....?"

Letting Isabel not to finish the statement Dr Afa said:

"Oh my God! Whenever she inquired about her parents I lied that they are coming. I would have never lied if I had known the truth before" malaise emanated in Afa's heart exaggerated the situation.

"I could've been much more responsible as I had felt solitariness in her eyes the day she came"

"Often it's better to say sumptuous lies than the acidulous truth if it can result in someone's optimistic growth than lying and making them despondent" Isabel was pensive when she spoke having fixed stares on the scarlet marbled floor.

"Maybe you are right" Afa got her heart enshrined.

Then, silence took the turn to confess. That made Isabel to passive the circumstance. That silence made Dr Afa believe that that lie basked someone. Often silence speaks a trillion things than any words can do.

Dr Afa was the one to fragment the tranquil yet understanding conversation.

"Do you know Robbie Kenneally"

"Robbie? Who is that now?"

"Tahanniya asked about this "

"Nah doctor I've never heard the name"


"Please don't feel like tampering her personal matters but I've to know what was that virulent thing made her suicidal"

"Doctor you can ask me anything. After all, you took care of her when nobody arrived for her"

As then Isabel began interpreting the things.

"By the end of the March we got our all papers done and the majority of the sophomore went home for the vacation. Hardly any stayed back at the hostel including Tahanniya as she had nowhere to go. I don't know what had happened between March 30 and April 25 " Isabel added with a swish.

"April 25?" Afa enquired.

"That's when a worker of the hostel found her self-slaughtered"

"But still doctor, I really don't think she is a girl who would commit it for mercurial things"

"I felt the same Isabel as she constantly sounded pragmatic and intrepid for me" Dr. Afa muttered her heart out.

"So something was dismaying her"

"An unfathomable past," Isabel said wistfully.

"I may sound mutt, but Isabel, since I feel for her I wanna perceive her past somehow "

"I wanna discover the enigmatic past of a charismatic girl" Dr Afa shifted the insurmountable to subtle one.

"With you doctor" this time Isabel naturally sounded like an epitome of a true companion and was at the detention of wondrousness.

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