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They then crossed grocery shops, restaurants and much more. It wasn't so long when they reached a cafe called 'Agape'.

Cafe Agape is known for its uniqueness in the burger, but they weren't for it but to lie in a safe place. The cafe has a see-through-glass, which even allows the outsiders to specify the items they are eating and then seducing them to have it.

The sky ahead of them was vivid.The road beside them was unusually calm.The cafe was undoubtfully exotic. The furniture over there was vibrant. The painting hung on Cafe's interior was sublime.

Dr.Afa and Isabel were exhausted when they took respective seats which lied at the exterior of the cafe Agape and a tree shadowing ahead.Isabel and Afa sat face-to-face and Tahanniya facing the entry of the cafe.

None said anything until Dr.Afa asked the waiter boy to get a bottle of frozen water.

"How did that happen?", Isabel said by gulping her glass of water.

"Can I just breathe for a while?".Dr.Afa was struggling with her breathes when she smirked at Isabel.

Dr.Afa snatched the bottle from Isabel and drank it in a go.

Tahanniya was oblivion. All she could think about was the '168' boy, though she even endeavoured to think about the accident at the hospital. She was defeated.

It was like as though, a girl is so tensed about an ant which is running through her body irritating her skin when there is an earthquake fragmenting the whole world.

Often big things don't count on your mind, but the senseless thing does.

"Have you inhaled the air enough? Now, can you temme is everyone safe out there?", Isabel turned out to be irresistible.

Dr.Afa stretched her hands, expanded her legs, made her hair sit back, made her shoelace proper and exhaled, and said," Yes as the whole hospital isn't on fire, everyone is safe. The hospital authority made everyone reach a haven place. You guys were the last to come out".

Tahanniya was looking at the tree and found a nest on one of its barks aesthetically eye-catching.

Isabel ignored Tahanniya's solemness just because a fire on a hospital is so ruinous than a nest on the tree.

She said," How sad! How could you even think of it? Making us last".She wasn't much serious but she was vexed.

"Hey..are you guys deaf? Didn't you hear the emergency alarm? I assumed that you guys did and would have come out and still I came for you guys".No one can strife Dr.Afa cause what she said was susceptible.

Isabel felt acidulous at her one question but Tahanniya was deaf, dumb and blind looking at the bird lying on the nest ignoring all serious things happening around her.

"Is it a competition to save people first and last?".Dr.Afa bombarded her with conundrums which were insurmountable to answer.

"Right!",Isabel replied accepting her defeat.

"What about Dr.Abraham Mathew? Where is he now?", she added.

"He was on leave today but as he got the information he reached at the hospital at the right time to help".

"For how long have you been working there?"

"For a year, joined when I was 25".


Both of them then carefully watched the surrounding.

Boys and girls walking. Women and men eating. Flowers blooming. Children's playing.Teenagers talking. Trees shadowing. Birds chirping.

Isabel finds a guy who sat, on the adjoining table smiling at her, grandly referred to as flirting. She then smiles back and gave away a wink as a bonus.

The outraged Dr.Afa leans towards her and mourned," Can you stop it, Isabel ?".

"Stop what?", Isabel replied as if Dr.Afa haven't seen anything.

"Winking at a strange guy".

"But he is the one who first smiled at me".

"So? You did the same?".

"What's your problem Doctor?".

"He is blind", Dr Afa said.

"Seriously? How did you know that?", Isabel has now squirmed.

"Hey. I'm a Doctor after all".

"Then why is he smiling?".

"He is talking to someone using wireless earphones.see?".Dr Afa answered in a detective tone.

When Isabel found that she has been fooled, Dr.Afa and Isabel began silence laughter holding their mouth.

Isabel then took a sharp glance at Tahanniya and gave a hit on her head as she talked nothing, nothing since they have reached the cafe and that made Tahanniya come back to the universe of normalcy.

"Are you dead?".This would be the most sensible question to ask with a girl who is already dead and yet managing to survive grasping the tiny sparks of hope and love.

Tahanniya abruptly got up from the seat and said without even looking directly into their exhausted faces," I will be back in a minute".

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