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The heart had an urge to sort things but didn't how to. Staring at the waves she wanted to screech out her tale. She recognised numerous number of somebody hiking around the sand, some playing with the waves. Others building castle with sand, writing their names on the seashore and for her, everyone seemed to be in euphoria

Except herself.

"Hey?", a girl with thick black bristles sat next to Tahanniya on the bank beneath the tree. Tahaaniya took a never-matter glimpse. Her eyes were influential and intrepid. Her grin said that she came here all solely, wore a perfect going Kurti which went exquisitely with her charming grimace and demeanour of the body.

"Hi", but she was glad for other reasons.

"You are here all alone?", she had an expectation in her eyes. Tahanniya could regard it transparently.

"Even you too!",Tahaaniya emitted.

"May I know your name?", she tended towards Tahaaniya.

"Would you be able to listen to me, half an hour or an hour?",Tahaaniya squealed.

"Me?...I....actually...", the lady faltered.

"Thank you so much....my soul weighs like a rock and my heard spins like an uncontrollable universe. My feet trembles like trees while breezing", Tahaaniya's eyes were moist. A week had crossed since Isabel's demise and for the first time, Tahaaniya is beaming with wet eyes.

And the girl had a facade of consolation, was ready to listen.

"Ok then...see..like..you had met me here and you may not remember me after a few days. Is that so?", the girl, who was almost of age 21 interrupted amidst.

"No yaar...it isn't...it is only the past. That's what I said you.I'm here to find my past", Tahaaniya clarified.

"Hmm..like that!!", they resumed.

In every phase, the girl sighed, laughed and even asked unanswerable questions.

"It was all me, I shouldn't have resisted. After all, she wanted to be was me to heal", Isabel's remarks reflected in her mind like a procession.

"That's what God made. We can't alter it right?".

"So you guys couldn't find Robbie Kenneally? And even about 168 too?", the girl appended.

Tahanniya signed'no'.

"See..if you go through Isabel's description properly, I'm damn positive that she knew something about your past. Something she wanted you to know and was frightened to put.Cause she wanted you to see".

If I'm right, there is something that can get you a trace. Okay?. She knew something," she was solemnized while she uttered.

"Okay....so, what's your accurate point", for Tahanniya it seemed like making sense.

"My point is that she might have left something relevant to you. Maybe it would be in her mobile, journal or cupboard etc?", her bristles seamlessly answered the breeze.

"she dont inscribes journals".

"And I'm damn assured that she wouldn't have hidden anything apart from my parent's story", Tahaaniya enthusiastically replied.

"Hey..calm!.My point is not that she might have covered. She would never. The fact is that she didn't say anything because you didn't ask", she emphasised.

Tahaaniya's eyebrows awoke and eyes became hopeful," what are you deciding to convey?".

"She didn't hide. She wanted you to find things she already knew", she blurted out intrepidly which had hit epiphany in Tahaaniya's mind.

After a few seconds of mindfulness, Tahaaniya got up in utter revelation and leapt steadily.

"Heyyyy?...Tahaaniya?", she yelled as raucous as possible.

"I think you are right", Tahaaniya was smiling when she howled back.

"Call me!",Tahaaniya added.

The girl greeted herself depicting redemption. When she was about to retire when she found her telephone number scribbled on the seaboard, under the bank where Tahaaniya had sat. She admired when.


she entered the apartment having the intentions to scrutinise each and every nook. She examined the hall,t.v space and then gaited to the bedroom noticing something called 'a lead'.

Even though she cussed herself for misremembering to know her name. She found her thoughts intellectual.

she opened the cabinet and then the drawer. She had spared almost 15 minutes finding particulars latchkeys to it. She took the shots from the drawer then she watched at the photo clips string lights recollecting, about asking  Isabel about the missing pictures in it.

"Lost things are meant to be found", she spoke looking at the speculum avidly.

They stood in front of an ice cream parlour, Isabel wore an unostentatious black dress and Evan a t-shirt of the same shade, Both had shared their arms on each other's shoulder.

As Tahaaniya was all arranged to be in hysteria or split and this didn't thrill her. she neither squealed nor lamented, instead she called Evan who took the call in the fourth ring.


"You need to come here asap. Isabel had left something for me."

"what? are you okay?", he was bewildered.

"Lost things are meant to be found", although she knew it wasn't an apt retort. She evaded the call amidst the chat making his blood boil.

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