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"Where the hell are you going?", and of course who won't be despised when someone doesn't even hear negotiating significant things and then leaving them midway.

Tahanniya said nothing and was as bleak as the sky when she whooshed from them. Both of them looked each other and shared 'never-matter' glances cause she have been kinda like ''out-of-the-world' since they got into the cafe.

As she knew she has reached as far as they won't be able to figure out her, she sat on the bench which lied left on the footpath and then she let the vendetta between the heart and brain begin officially.

Heart: what if he is actually someone who knows my past?

Brain: that's what we want and that what he has. Don't be a fool, Heart. Haven't you been waiting for this opportunity?

Heart: That is right, but still...how can we go and ask a stranger about a number?

Brain: Hey kiddo! You aren't as genius as I'm. So do what I say.

Heart: No

Brain: Yes

Heart: No

Brain: don't you wanna know your past?

Heart: Yes, but isn't it....

Brain: Just stop it and go!

The brain was thunder-noisy. All sense organs became enthusiastic.

Brain: Mission 168, soldiers!

Tahanniya had let the Brain win.She thanked herself for being dauntless enough to ask Afa to get attire for her as she was bored wearing hospital uniform.

She wore a vintage green cosy crop top, plain yet astonishing and jeans made of blue denim which surprisingly went exquisite with it. She made her fingers go through her hair. She was happy that she doesn't look like hospitalised one.

She stood up.

She stood straight.

Managed to bring audacity in the facade.

She gaited.

As she gaited, she made up the questions she would ask. Expressions she would make. Replies she would give. As she reached in the vicinity she could see he was still on the phone.

What if he is talking to his and I'm bothering him?

Ah!who cares!

She managed to stand three feet apart from him and asked," Hey, you?"

Brain: claps and claps. You have managed to look temerarious.

"Yes", he turned towards her as he was standing facing the road.

That's when she detected that he had blue sumptuous eyes, countable hairs managed to grow, referred to as moustache which was more like cactus on a barren desert. Barley-complexioned which appeals with his scarlet lips.

Brain: This isn't a date. I order. Ask it.

"Can I know...", before she could speak something significant caught her eyes. She felt like a nincompoop.

The phone cover was eye-catching plain black. Nothing is written on it. Nothing.

Her subconscious mind befooled her. It was her fault. When we constantly think about one certain thing everything around us seems to be replicating. The same thing had happened.

She stood constantly for a while keenly looking into the phone. She was then soothed when she rechecked for the t-shirt. Fortunately, it had.

"Hello?", female voice came out from his phone.

"Mom, hold on, here a girl desperately wants to talk to me".

Heart: What? How dare he say like that!

Brain: you are out of concentration. All you have to do is ask.

"How is this number '168' happens to be written on your shirt?" the bewildered Tahanniya wiped her sweat buds on the forehead, managed her legs to be stuck and looking directly into his eyes she spoke.

"Excuse me?", who won't feel virulent and perplexed when a stranger asks about a random number on a random cloth on a random guy?.

He took a look at his own outfit, he nodded and said," are you asking about this number?".

Brain: didn't I say you that I'm genius?

Brain: let him complete.

"Yes", her voice was mercurial.

He began laughing pointing his fingers towards her. He guffawed and guffawed.

What worse than this can make her die internally?.

She wished this to be a dream. Just a dream. Her legs were noodles. Her hands trembled. Sweat buds travelled through her cheeks.

There is nothing as wrenching being tantalised in public. She cursed the brain and shouted at the heart.

Heart: the almighty genius. Where are you?


Heart: you there fool?


"Are you out of mind? Why should some strangers ask about a fancy number on a fancy cloth?", he was still laughing.

"Stop your damn laughing", for her it wasn't a joke anymore.

"I really don't know why are you asking about this number", he ran his fingers on his brown hair which fell into his eyes.

"So there is no relation you and this number?", she was shattered.

"Relation? You should probably ask the shopkeeper about the relation between the number and the shirt", he giggled.

Though she knew she has been fooled by her brain she never forgot to look charismatic.

"Uhmm....sorry", she felt like incompetent.

She cursed the time when she saw him

She cursed the time when she decided to ask.

She cursed'168'.

After 4.5 seconds of walking back, she said,' don't follow me".

and yes, there is no meaning in saying that.Nothing.Utter useless statement. She said it only because she doesn't want someone to label her as 'monkey-fool'.

"Hey 168", he called out.

"Don't follow ME ", he pointed his fingers towards himself stressing on the word 'me'.This was something impenetrable.

Her heart said nothing nor her brain. Nothing!. Nothing can be worse than standing inhibited without words in front of a bonhomie natured guy.

"Utter useless bewildered Brain".She walked away guilt-ridden.

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