Chapter Four - The Room

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Amity hugged her mom goodbye and followed Lilah down the hall and up the staircase, leaving her bags in the Living Room per previous orders.

She followed the older woman down the upstairs hall, before they climbed another staircase.

On that floor, there were two closed doors on opposite sides of the hallway.

"This, is where our bedrooms are. Yours is on the right, mine is on the left. There is an attached bathroom and walk-in closet for each," Lilah explained, opening the door. "I hope you don't mind that I left the walls white."

"You. . .you had the room pre-decorated? How did you. . ."

"I have my ways dear. Make yourself comfortable, and I'll have Derek bring your bags up in a bit."

"Oh, don't bother, Grandma, I can get them myself, I'm perfectly capable. . ."

"Honey, don't bother. That's his job. Okay? Don't question my ways."

Amity sighed and watched as Lilah shut the door, leaving Amity alone in the bedroom, which she barely remembered from her earliest memories.

As she looked around, she took in the big, King sized bed with a deep purple quilt and matching pillowcases. There was a nightstand on either side, with a lamp on top of them.

The dresser was in the corner, facing the bed, with a bookshelf in the opposite corner facing the dresser. The walk-in closet was facing the foot of the bed, with big, beautiful Oak doors that matched the door to the hallway.

Another door next to the dresser, opposite the one to the hallway, led to the spacious bathroom.

Amity looked at the walls and saw that there were only two things hanging up.

One consisted of a wolf howling at the moon. This hung near the window, which showed the backyard pool and the woods beyond.

Just as she was about to process what the other thing on the wall was, and soft knock on her door made her whip her head around and go to open it.

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