Chapter Eighteen -Remembering

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As dawn began to fall upon everything, Amity shifted back into a human, hair slick and wet from her run, but her nightgown perfect.

She looked down and smiled big, then she raced through the woods, towards her grandma's house, and found the window to Derek's room, before throwing a pebble at it.

It hit with a soft thud, before his face peered down at her, and then disappeared, which Amity took as a sign to go to the back door.

He met her there, and smiled at her. "So. . .how was it?"

"Awesome! I can't believe how amazing running through the woods like that is! Though, I'm sure you already know the joy, since you can shift too, but. . .wow!"

Derek smiled and followed her down the hall to the stairs. "I'm glad you enjoyed that so much. Did that help with your dreams?"

Amity nodded. "Yes. And it was amazing. I just didn't need my real dad last night, and I'm a little disappointed. You know? I really wanted to see him, but I guess we don't all get to do what we want to, huh?"

He nodded and watched as Amity walked back up the stairs, and to her room.

When she got up to her bedroom and had shut the door, Amity sat on her bed for a bit, and thought over her discovery.

I'm adopted by humans, while I myself am a werewolf. I don't think my parents know I'm a werewolf, otherwise, my grandma might have already killed me. That is, if everything Derek said is true.

I believe him, but sometimes, people stretch the truth to add to the drama, but. . .

That was when the events from the previous night hit Amity with full force.

She remembered feeling the Moon calling her.

She remembered skipping down the hall and Derek stopping her.

She remembered him telling her she'll never remember what he told her in those short minutes before she shifted.

She remembered him kissing her when he thought she wouldn't remember it.

But she did. What does this mean?

She stood up from her bed and went to the door, about to open it to call to him, but she stopped herself when her hand hit the doorknob. Grandma would know. And she can't know. She might kill me.

With a defeated sigh, Amity backed up and fell back down on her bed, not knowing what to do anymore.

My whole life used to be in control. I used to know who I was. I used to know who my family was, and I was content being a Marra.

Now, I don't know who I am, I don't even know if my name was really supposed to be Amity.

In defeat above anything else, Amity left her room and walked downstairs, back to the Living Room, to see Lilah sitting on the couch, looking at Amity's documents.

"Uh. . .hi Grandma." Amity stood behind the couch, scared. She hoped Lilah couldn't hear her pounding heart.

Lilah spun around and smiled at her. "Hey baby. So, you know the truth?"

She nodded. "I asked Mom if I was, and she sent me those documents. We both agreed it wasn't something to be discussed over the phone."

"Well, you seem to be taking this very well, Amity. Why is that? You couldn't have known."

"I didn't know, but what's the use of getting upset over this when I've had a good life? For the entire fifteen years if my life, my parents have called me their own and loved me to no end, so why be mad at them? I'm just mad at whoever my real parents are."

Lilah smiled and handed everything to Amity. "Well, let's hope you guys never meet, because otherwise, I feel like they'll have to suffer your rath."

She stood up, smoothed her skirt, and headed towards the door.

"Grandma, where are you going?"

Lilah smiled. "I have a last minute meeting in ten. I'll be back for dinner, love."

When she left the house, Amity sat down the documents and pulled out her phone, before looking for Derek's contact information.

She then shot him a quick text.
To Derek: Lilah left the house on a meeting. So, can we take a walk and talk?

She put the phone in her pocket and began up the stairs to her room, when her phone pinged with an incoming text.

In her room, Amity opened the text and smiled at his reply.
From Derek: Sure. :-) But what did I do wrong? :-(

Amity just rolled her eyes and put her stuff down, before meeting Derek by the back door.

"So, you ready for that walk?"

Derek nodded, and opened the door before they both went outside and began down the path to the woods.

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