Chapter Twenty-four - Um. . .

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He stared at her, and slowly sat onto her bed, staring at her all the while. "You positive you don't hate me?"

Amity nodded. "Of course I am. I'm sorry, I'm just stressed out. Lilah wants me to be like her, and I can't."

"I know. But I will help you. No matter what."

She smiled, which caused him to smile too.

"Damn. Your eyes are freaking swollen red."

"Well, I have been crying recently."

Suddenly, a knock sounded on her bedroom door, and the two stared at each other wide eyes.

"Just a second," Amity called, grabbing Derek's hand and yanking him over to her closet and opening the door. She shoved him inside and silently shut the door before running to the door to her bedroom door.

She opened it, and there stood Lilah.

"Hey, Grandma. What's up?"

"Hey baby. I was wondering if you wanted to come out with me tomorrow."

"Uh. . .why?"

"I have an appointment go hunt a werewolf down."

Amity swallowed before asking, "What's tomorrow?"

"The Full Moon."

"Uh. . ."

"Do you want to come? We can practice after breakfast tomorrow."

"Uh. . ."


Amity just nodded, terrified.

"Okay. See you at dinner, I need to go buy some arrows."

"Uh. . ."

Lilah left the room, and Anita just stood there, still scared. "What the. . ."

Derek came out, and looked at Amity, his eyes wide. "That's not good."

She shook her head. "No, it's not."

"What are you doing to do?"

Amity turned and grabbed her phone off her bed. "Call my dad."

"How can he help you?"

She shrugged. "He might not be able to." She searched for his contact, then put the phone on speaker as it rang.

He picked up on the second ring. "Hey baby."

"Hey Dad."

"What is it? Is Lilah pressuring you some more?"


"What does she want you to do?"

"She wants me to come on an assignment with her tomorrow."

"And tomorrow's the Full Moon, sir," Derek put in.

"Hello, Derek?" Brad asked.

"Yes, sir."

"Dad, what do I do?" Amity asked.

"Make something up, baby. I gotta go. Love you, see you in a few weeks, baby."

"Bye Dad."

The phone beeped, signalling that Brad hung up, and Amity sighed.

"What are you gonna tell her?"

She just shrugged.

* * * * * * * * * *

As she climbed the ladder to the attic, she saw the small round window on the opposite wall, overlooking the backyard.

"What are you hiding, Lilah?" Amity whispered to herself as she looked around the tiny space.

She looked at every bookshelf, in every box. She even began to snoop around in the trunk.

As Amity pulled out a white wedding dress, her fingers his something hard, but it wasn't wood.

Pulling it out, she saw that it was a book. Reading the title, she gasped. The Supernatural of This World.

"Why would she have this?"

She opened the cover and saw Lilah's socially script, especially on every page.

Some pages were titled, vampire, some witch, some shape shifter, some fae and fairy, and the rest were for werewolf.

" 'Vampire. This special species are just like humans, but a tad paler, they drink blood, and like to sleep most of the day. Witch. Use magic to create spells like protection. Can be tricky, yet very strict. Fairy. Boys called Fae. They can read emotions, and heal. Very nice species. Shape shifter. Like werewolves, but can change into any mammal, and some birds. Very odd. Werewolf. Only shift at night, and are human for the rest of the time. I made it my goal to hunt and kill every single werewolf alive.' "

She closed the book, put it away, and buried it under everything else before closing the trunk and getting out of the attic.

Amity walked to the kitchen and called out, "Derek?"

A pale girl came up to her and asked, "Are you Amity?"

She shrugged. "Who wants to know?"

"My name is Carli."

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